Action Report � A report submitted to the Department by agencies
proposing an action(s) requiring consultation. The information [that is]
required to be submitted shall be sufficient to determine the presence
or absence of a threatened or endangered species or Natural Area in the
vicinity of the proposed action. �
2. The agency or field office or any other
designated office in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) having
jurisdiction over trust or restricted property or money. � DOI-BIA
Glossary Agency Coordination Meeting (ACM)
� A meeting of various state and federal transportation and
environmental resource agencies to review project status and
issues. This meeting involves agencies during a project's development. Agency for International Development (AID or USAID) � An independent agency of the executive branch that
administers U.S. international development and humanitarian assistance
programs. USAID administers commodity donations for humanitarian or
development purposed under P.L.480 or Food for Peace, and commodity
import programs.
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) � The ATSDR was
created in 1980 by the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) as an agency of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. It is the principal federal
public health agency involved in hazardous waste issues. The ATSDR helps
prevent or reduce harmful health effects of exposure to hazardous
substances. It is not a regulatory agency, but it advises EPA on health
aspects of hazardous waste sites and spills and makes recommendations.
� Great Lakes glossary 2. Working with the CDC, ATSDR seeks to prevent exposure to hazardous
substances from waste sites. The Agency conducts public health
assessments, health studies, surveillance activities, and health
education training at waste sites on the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency's National Priorities List. TSDR also has developed toxicological
profiles of hazardous chemicals found at these sites. Established: 1980.
Headquarters: Atlanta, Georgia. Agency Peculiar Property � Government-owned personal property that is peculiar to the mission of one Agency (e.g., military or space property). It excludes Government material, special test equipment, special tooling, and facilities. (See FAR Part 45.301) � Glossary is a feature of Know Net, a knowledge management, e-learning and performance support system sponsored by the Government of the United States of America. Know Net can be accessed at Agency preferred alternative � The alternative that the lead agency (or
agencies) believes would fulfill its statutory mission and
responsibilities, giving consideration to economic, environmental,
technical, and other factors. � U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Glossary Agency
response � Definitions of �roads,'' �classified roads,''
�unclassified roads,'' �transportation atlas,'' �new road
construction,'' �temporary road,'' and �forest transportation
facility'' were revised in the final rule at 36 CFR 212.1 published in
the Federal Register. The administrative policy includes revised
definitions for �forest transportation system management,'' �new
road construction,'' �road reconstruction,'' �road improvement,''
�road realignment,'' �road maintenance,'' �roads subject to the
Highway Safety Act,'' and �transportation facility decommissioning''.
The definitions for �public roads,'' �Forest Road'' �Forest
Service Trail,'' and �transportation facility jurisdiction'' have not
changed. FSM 7705 Exhibit-01, entitled Road Terminology Relationships,
has been retained and updated to clarify road terminology relationships.
Terms have changed in response to concerns expressed in public comment
and to clarify agency intent. � USDA Forest Service Agenda 21 � The plan of action to achieve sustainable development
that was adopted by world leaders at the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992
(United Nations, 1993b). (UN) Agent/Distributor
Service (ADS) � An International Trade Administration (ITA) fee-based
service which locates foreign import agents and distributors. ADS
provides a custom search overseas for interested and qualified foreign
representatives on behalf of an U.S. exporter. Officers abroad conduct
the search and prepare a report identifying up to six foreign prospects
that have examined the U.S. firm's product literature and have expressed
interest in representing the U.S. firm's products. Agent Orange � Toxic herbicide and defoliant used in the Viet Nam conflict. (UN) AGFC � Arkansas Game & Fish Commission AGFD � Arizona Game and Fish Department AGI � American Geologic Institute Program AGL � Above ground level Aggradation � Geologic process wherein streambeds, floodplains,
sandbars, and the bottom of water bodies are raised in elevation by the
deposition of sediment; the opposite of degradation. Aggraded
� A condition where sediment has accumulated in the stream channel. AGR
� Agricultural Supply Agreement � Agreement means the Great Lakes Basin Sustainable Water
Resources Agreement. �
�For the purposes of this Compact, and of any supplemental or
concurring legislation enacted pursuant thereto, except as may be
otherwise required by the context.� Great Lakes Basin Water Resources
Compact, Confidential, Draft, Not for Distribution.
(18 pages) 2. "Agreement" means the present Agreement as distinguished from
the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of April 15, 1972. Agreement
Between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the United Mexican States Concerning the Establishment of
a Border Environment Cooperation Commission and a North American
Development Bank � See NADBank. Agreement
on Agriculture � The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture reached in
1994 and implemented in U.S. law by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act of
1994 brings agricultural trade more fully under international trade
rules and obligations. The Agreement provides for the conversion of
quantitative barriers to trade to tariffs or tariff rate quotas, and for
reductions in export subsidies and trade-distorting domestic support
� A mass or cluster of soil particles, often having a characteristic
shape. Aggregate,
soil � Many fine particles held in a single mass or cluster. Natural
soil aggregates, such as granules, blocks, or prisms, are called peds.
Clods are aggregates produced by tillage or logging. � Soil Survey of
McDowell County, West Virginia, Issued 2004.
(page 69 of 115) Aggregates
of Basic Headings � Any aggregation of groups of basic headings, like
Bread and cereals, up to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Also termed
summary or analytical categories. (UN) Aggregation
� Aggregation is the combination of related categories, usually within
a common branch of a hierarchy, to provide information at a broader
level to that at which detailed observations are taken. Disaggregation
is the breakdown of observations, usually within a common branch of a
hierarchy, to a more detailed level to that at which detailed
observations are taken. With standard hierarchical classifications,
statistics for related categories can be grouped or collated
(aggregated) to provide a broader picture, or categories can be split
(disaggregated) when finer details are required and made possible by the
codes given to the primary observations. (UN) Aggregate Measure of Support (AMS) � An indicator of the amount of domestic support for agriculture. As used in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, the AMS refers to a measure of the gap between domestic and world prices multiplied by the quantity supported, plus any other commodity-specific transfers. Internal or domestic support reduction commitments in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture are expressed in terms of reductions in a total AMS covering all trade-distorting internal support measures for agriculture. Aggressive water � Water, which is soft and acidic and can corrode plumbing, piping, and appliances. � USGS Agile Manufacturing � Agile manufacturing, aimed at quick turnaround of small
lots at reasonable costs, is based on using science and engineering to
leverage the impact of a person's decision-making capabilities on the
success of the enterprise. Agile manufacturing enterprises have
been characterized as bringing out new products quickly, designing
products to facilitate their evolution in response to meet the changing
needs of users, and as having diffused authority to facilitate
information flow among manufacturing, engineering, marketing,
purchasing, finance, sales, quality assurance, and research and
development departments. Proponents of agile manufacturing emphasize its
requirement for close working relationships between suppliers,
manufacturers, and customers as well as its capability
for efficient productivity without dramatically affecting
processing costs. AGPF
� A Green and Peaceful Future (Greenpeace) AGR
� Agriculture Agrarian Revolution � The Agrarian Revolution was made possible by a sustained
population increase during the 17th and 18th centuries, improvements in
organization of land ownership, expanded markets and for profit farming
rather than substance agriculture. New crops were introduced from
Americas. Agriculture changed the economic geography of Europe and lead
to changes in spatial patterns. AGREE
� American Gun Rights Enforcement Effort Agreements � The term "agreement" can have a generic and a specific meaning. It also has acquired a special meaning in the law of regional economic integration. (a) Agreement as a generic term: The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties employs the term "international agreement" in its broadest sense. On the one hand, it defines treaties as "international agreements" with certain characteristics. On the other hand, it employs the term "international agreements" for instruments, which do not meet its definition of "treaty.� Its Art.3 refers also to "international agreements not in written form.� Although such oral agreements may be rare, they can have the same binding force as treaties, depending on the intention of the parties. An example of an oral agreement might be a promise made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of one State to his counterpart of another State. The term "international agreement" in its generic sense consequently embraces the widest range of international instruments. (b) Agreement as a particular term: "Agreements" are usually less formal and deal with a narrower range of subject matter than "treaties.� There is a general tendency to apply the term "agreement" to bilateral or restricted multilateral treaties. It is employed especially for instruments of a technical or administrative character, which are signed by the representatives of government departments, but are not subject to ratification. Typical agreements deal with matters of economic, cultural, scientific and technical cooperation. Agreements also frequently deal with financial matters, such as avoidance of double taxation, investment guarantees or financial assistance. The UN and other international organizations regularly conclude agreements with the host country to an international conference or to a session of a representative organ of the Organization. Especially in international economic law, the term "agreement" is also used as a title for broad multilateral agreements (e.g. the commodity agreements). The use of the term "agreement" slowly developed in the first decades of this century. Nowadays by far the majority of international instruments are designated as agreements. (c) Agreements in regional integration schemes: Regional integration schemes are based on general framework treaties with constitutional character. International instruments, which amend this framework at a later stage (e.g. accessions, revisions), are also designated as "treaties.� Instruments that are concluded within the framework of the constitutional treaty or by the organs of the regional organization are usually referred to as "agreements,� in order to distinguish them from the constitutional treaty. For example, whereas the Treaty of Rome of 1957 serves as a quasi-constitution of the European Community, treaties concluded by the EC with other nations are usually designated as agreements. Also, the Treaty of Montevideo of 1980 established the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA), but the sub-regional instruments entered into under its framework are called agreements. (UN) Agribusiness � Agriculturally related businesses that supply farm inputs (such as fertilizer or equipment) or are involved in the marketing of farm products (such as warehouses, processors, wholesalers, transporters, and retailers). Farms are not usually included when the term agribusiness is used. The
Agribusiness Accountability Initiative �
Agribusiness Accountability Initiative promotes collaborative responses
to corporate power in the global food system. Co-sponsored by the Center
of Concern and
the National Catholic
Rural Life Conference, the
Agribusiness Accountability Initiative is a growing international
network of academics, activists and food system experts from farm,
labor, environment, consumer, church and development organizations, who
recognize that corporate concentration and vertical integration among
transnational agro-food companies threaten the sustainability of the
most important industry on earth -- the global food system. AGRICOLA � AGRICultural OnLine Access, The National Agriculture Library (NAL)
�Advancing access to global information for agriculture.�
About: The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is one of four national
libraries of the United States, with locations in Beltsville, Maryland
and Washington, D.C.
It houses one of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural
information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network
of state land-grant
and U.S. Department of Agriculture field libraries
In fiscal year 2005 (October 2004 through September 2005), NAL delivered
more than 80 million direct customer service transactions. Agricultural
Act of 1949 � P.L.89-439 (October 31, 1949) Along with the
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, makes up the major part of the
permanent law that mandates commodity price and farm income support. The
original 1949 Act designated mandatory support for basic commodities and
the following non-basic commodities: wool and mohair, tung nuts, honey,
Irish potatoes (excluded in the Agricultural Act of 1954), and milk,
butterfat, and their products. Periodic farm bills (most recently the
FAIR Act of 1996) make temporary changes in the levels and design of
commodity programs.
Act of 1954 � P.L.83-690 (August 28, 1954) � This Act established a
flexible price support for basic commodities (excluding tobacco) at
82.5-90% of parity and authorized a Commodity Credit Corporation reserve
for foreign and domestic relief. Title VII was designated the National
Wool Act of 1954 and provided for a new price support program for wool
and mohair to encourage increased domestic production. Price support for
wool and mohair continued through marketing year 1995, at which time it
was phased down and terminated under the explicit mandate of P.L.103-130
(November 1, 1993).
Act of 1956 � P.L. 84-540 (May 28, 1956) created the Soil Bank Program
(Title I of was called the Soil Bank Act) addressed the disposal of CCC
inventories of surplus stocks, contained commodity support program
provisions, and forestry provisions. The Soil Bank Act authorized short-
and long-term removal of land from production with annual rental
payments to participants (Acreage Reserve Program and Conservation
Reserve Program, respectively). The Acreage Reserve Program, for wheat,
corn, rice, cotton, peanuts, and several types of tobacco, allowed
producers to retire land on an annual basis in crop years 1956 through
1959 in return for payments. The Conservation Reserve Program allowed
producers to retire cropland under contracts of 3, 5, or 10 years in
return for annual payments. The Soil Bank Act was repealed by Section
601 of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1965. The Conservation Reserve
portion of the Soil Bank was a model for the subsequent Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP), enacted in 1985.
Act of 1970 � P.L. 91-524 (November 30, 1970) initiated a significant
change in commodity support policy. This 3-year farm bill replaced some
of the more restrictive and mandatory features of acreage allotments,
planting restrictions, and marketing quotas with voluntary annual
cropland set-asides and marketing certificate payments to achieve parity
prices (the precursor to target prices and deficiency payments). For the
first time, the law adopted a payment limitation per producer (set at
$55,000 per crop). The Act also amended and extended the authority of
the Class I differential in federal milk marketing order areas.
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933
� P.L. 73-10 (May 12, 1933) was the
New Deal initiative to assist the farm sector during the Great
Depression. This was the first comprehensive effort to raise and
stabilize farm prices and income. The law created and authorized the
Agricultural Adjustment Administration to (1) enter into voluntary
agreements to pay farmers to reduce production of designated 'basic'
commodities (cotton, wheat, corn, rice, tobacco, hogs, and milk), (2) to
make advance payments to farmers who stored crops on the farm, (3) to
create marketing agreements between farmers and middlemen, and (4) to
levy processing taxes to pay for production adjustment and market
development. The Commodity
Credit Corporation (CCC) was incorporated under the laws of the state of
Delaware on October 17, 1933, to carry out financial activities,
including making non-recourse loans on the basic crops. The
Secretary with the President�s approval authorized support for other
commodities upon recommendation. Commodity loan programs carried out by
the CCC for 1933-37 included cotton, corn, rosin, turpentine, tobacco,
peanuts, dates, figs, and prunes. The provisions for production control and processing taxes in the Act were
later declared unconstitutional in the Hoosac Mills decision of 1936. Congress
responded by adopting the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act
of 1936, the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1937, and the Agricultural
Adjustment Act of 1938, all of which remain as permanent laws.
Adjustment Act Amendment of 1935 � P.L. 74-320 (August 24, 1935) made
several important and lasting changes to the Agricultural Adjustment Act
of 1933. Section 22 of the law gave the President authority to impose
quotas when imports interfered with commodity programs designed to raise
prices and farm income. Section 32 was designed to widen market outlets
for surplus agricultural commodities by permanently appropriating funds
to purchase commodities for primarily child nutrition programs. Section
22 has been superseded, but Section 32 continues to operate.
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 �
P.L. 75-430 (February 16, 1938) was enacted as an alternative and
replacement for the farm subsidy policies found unworkable in the AAA
legislation of 1933. The 1938
Act was the first to make price support mandatory for corn, cotton, and
wheat to help maintain a sufficient supply in low production periods
along with marketing quotas to keep supply in line with market demand. It
established permissive supports for butter, dates, figs, shops,
turpentine, rosin, pecans, prunes, raisins, barley, rye, grain sorghum,
wool, winter cover-crop seeds, mohair, peanuts, and tobacco for the
1938-40 period. Also, Title V of the Act established the Federal Crop
Insurance Corporation. The 1938 Act is considered part of permanent
legislation for commodity programs and farm income support (along with
the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act and the Agricultural Act of
1949). Provisions of this law
are often superseded by more current legislation (such as the
FAIR Act of 1996). However, if the current legislation expires and new
legislation is not enacted, the
law reverts back to the permanent provisions of the 1938 Act.
Attache, Counselor, or Trade Officer � An agricultural expert,
employed by the Foreign Agricultural Service, on the staff of an
embassy, consulate, or agricultural trade office.
census (or census of agriculture) � A large-scale, periodic,
statistical operation for the collection of quantitative information on
the structure of agriculture. The word "census" implies a
complete enumeration of all agricultural holdings. However, by extension
it can be conducted by a sample enumeration, provided the sample is
large enough to generate sub-national data. � FAO UN Glossary Agricultural
Commodity � A product of agriculture. � National Grassland Plan
(USDA Forest Service) Agricultural
conservation easements (ACE) � The basic purpose and structure of all
agricultural conservation easements are the same. However, each easement
is tailored to the specific farm being protected. Exact language in the
easement may reflect future expansion plans of the landowners, including
the needs of their heirs.
CONAGR � Conserving Agricultural Lands � During the past several
decades, agriculture has changed in many ways, with some farms going out
of business, some expanding to tremendous proportions and others
diversifying or changing their economic focus entirely. At the same
time, suburban sprawl is relentlessly eating up our farmland. The net
result is that the U.S. is losing more than 1 million farmland [acres]
each year. Farmers want to see their farms endure and are increasingly
willing to protect their land in perpetuity, but land trusts,
municipalities and public agencies need to understand their unique and
constantly evolving circumstances. This intermediate course gives
participants the insight and technical skills needed to effectively
protect working farms and the businesses that sustain them in their
communities. While applicable to agricultural landscapes across country,
this course focuses on issues most pertinent to Eastern and Midwestern
farmland. Who should attend: Land trust and other land conservation
professionals who have a working knowledge of conservation easements and
are involved in farmland protection projects. Course Length: 2.75 days;
22 hours. Objectives: Summarize local and global trends affecting
agriculture, land use planning and estate planning as they relate to
farming protection; Understand the drafting and enforcing of agricultural
conservation easements; and Explain purchase of development rights
programs and other approaches to farmland protection. This course is
offered by: the Land Conservation Leadership Program of the Land Trust
Alliance and The Conservation Fund in cooperation with the NCTC/U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service. Contact: Andrea Freeman, Land Trust
Alliance 202-638-4725.
3. An interest in land, less than fee simple,
which interest represents the right to restrict or prevent the
development or improvement of the land for any purpose other than
agricultural production. The easement may be granted by the owner of the
fee simple, to any third party or to the State, to a county council, or
to a unit of local government. It must be granted in perpetuity, except
as provided for in Section 46-53-110(B)(2), as the equivalent of
covenants running with the land. The exercise or failure to exercise any
right granted by the easement shall not be deemed to be management or
control of activities at the site for purposes of enforcement of the
Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation Liability Act
of 1980. Agricultural
Conservation Program (ACP) � Administered by the Farm Service Agency,
this largest and oldest conservation cost-sharing program paid farmers
up to $3,500 per year as an incentive to install approved conservation
practices. It was terminated in the FAIR Act of 1996 and replaced by a
new Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Agricultural Development � Development that is
directly related to agriculture and occurs on a parcel of land where
agriculture occurs, including dwellings for individuals and associated
households actively engaged in agriculture on the site. Agricultural District � A district created pursuant to Article 25AA of the
Agriculture and Markets Law. Those properties residing within a
contiguous boundary and meeting appropriate criteria for designation as
such by the local soil conservation district. Agricultural
District Coordination � Regulations requiring that any application for
special approval in an agricultural district, such as a special use
permit or site plan, use variance, or subdivision approval, must include
an agricultural data statement (ADS) where there is an operating farm in
such district. The ADS provides the reviewing agency with pertinent
information regarding the proposed development and the surrounding
agricultural land. The reviewing agency uses the ADS to determine the possible impacts of the
proposed project upon farming operations within the agricultural
district. Agricultural District Program � Enrolling property
in this program is a five-year commitment to continue farming. A penalty
will be assessed if the land is taken out of the program or if not used
for agriculture. Defer sewer, water or electric assessments as long as
land is farmed. Legal protection for any generally accepted agricultural
practice in the defense of a nuisance lawsuit made against the farming
operation. Limited protection against the use of eminent domain.
Benefits/Eligibility Requirements: 1. Any tract of agricultural land of
10 acres or more which has been devoted exclusively to agricultural
commercial use for the last three years is eligible. 2. A smaller tract
may be included if the tract produced an average gross income of $2,500
or more from sales of agricultural commercial products during the
previous three years. Agricultural
Diversification � A system of farming that encourages production of a
variety of plant and animals and their products as opposed to
monoculture or large-scale specialization. Advocates of diversification
argue that it provides greater income stability. Specialized farms
benefit from economies of size. Agricultural
Drainage � The process of directing excess water away from root zones
by natural or artificial means, such as by using a system of pipes and
drains placed below ground surface level (also called subsurface
drainage). The water that is drained away from irrigated farmland. Agricultural
Easement � A type of easement where the park purchases the development
rights of a private landholder within the park boundary to thwart any
future development. Active use of these private lands is restricted to
agricultural use for perpetuity. Typically, the private lands are large
parcels that are presently or have been recently farmed where the
private owner is interested in continuing to farm. The private farmer
and CVNP cooperate to enhance the agricultural use of private lands for
their mutual benefit. The farmer is compensated for development rights
as well as any reduced crop yield, which can be directly attributed to
the easement restrictions (NPS1994b). � DOI/NPS The
Agricultural Easement Purchase Program (AEPP) � The Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Purchase (AEPP)
program is a statewide program administered by the Ohio Department of
Agriculture that preserves farmland through the purchase of permanent
agricultural easements. AEPP receives funding from the Clean Ohio Fund,
a bond initiative approved by Ohio voters in 2000.
[email protected]
holding (or holding) � An economic unit of agricultural production
under single management comprising all livestock kept and all land used
wholly or partly for agricultural production purposes, without regard to
title, legal form, or size. Single management may be exercised by an
individual or household, jointly by two or more individuals or
households, by a clan or tribe, or by a juridical person such as a
corporation, cooperative or government agency. The holding's land may
consist of one or more parcels, located in one or more separate areas or
in one or more territorial or administrative divisions, providing the
parcels share the same production means utilized by the holding, such as
labour, farm buildings, machinery or draught animals. The requirement of
sharing the same production means utilized by the holding, such as
labour, farm buildings, machinery or draught animals should be fulfilled
to a degree to justify the consideration of various parcels as
components of one economic unit. -FAO UN Glossary AGRicultural,
HYdrological and METeorological program (AGRHYMET) � A West African
AGRHYMET program, which collects and disseminates environmental
information on West Africa. � USDA glossary Agricultural Land � Land including arable land, land under permanent crops
and land under permanent meadows and pastures. (UN) Agricultural
Land / Open Space Zoning � Variety of local zoning laws designed to
protect certain land characteristics or specific places. � Matrix O'
Implementation � Critical Lands Toolkit � Agricultural
land tenure � Land owned, used, or held for agricultural purposes. � U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report and
Environmental Impact Statement, Chapter 10, Glossary Agricultural
Lands Condemnation Approval Board (Pennsylvania) � An independent
administrative board with jurisdiction over the condemnation of certain
types of agricultural land in Pennsylvania. The Board reviews proposals
and presentations made and determines whether there is a feasible and
prudent alternative to the condemnation of lands being used for
productive agricultural purposes. Agricultural
Market Transition Act (AMTA) � Title I of the FAIR Act of 1996. It
allows farmers who have participated in the wheat, feed grain, cotton,
and rice programs in any one of the 5 years prior to 1996 to enter into 7-year
production flexibility contracts for 1996-2002. Total national
production flexibility contract payments (sometimes called AMTA
payments, or contract payments) for each fiscal year are fixed in the
law. The AMTA allows farmers to plant 100% of their total contract
acreage to any crop except fruits and vegetables, and receive a full
payment. Land must be maintained in agricultural uses. Unlimited haying
and grazing and planting and harvesting alfalfa and other forage crops
are permitted with no reduction in payments. Agricultural
Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 � This law reaffirmed the marketing
agreements provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 and
redefined the process for establishing marketing orders. Under the
authority of this permanent law and subsequent amendments, marketing
orders have been established for milk as well as numerous fruits and
vegetables. Agricultural
Marketing Service (AMS) � A USDA agency that establishes standards for
grades of cotton, tobacco, meat, dairy products, eggs, fruits, and
vegetables. It also operates inspection and grading services and market
news services, and provides supervisory administration for federal
marketing orders. Agricultural
Officers � Embassy officials who are responsible for addressing
agricultural trade policy issues and preparing reports on agricultural
commodities such as rice, wheat, and dairy products. These officers
promote U.S. exports by providing market information, one-on-one
consultations, and facilitative contacts with foreign buyers and by
sponsoring trade events, such as shows, trade missions, and seminars.
(USDA) Agricultural
Open Space � Open space used for agricultural purposes. � DOI/NPS Agricultural
Payment Report � 194.2 No later than 45 days following the date by
which the final assessment roll is required to be completed and filed,
the assessor shall file with the State Board an Agricultural Payment
Report (Form RP-305pr) identifying payments imposed on the current
assessment roll for parcels converted in whole or in part from
agricultural production. Agricultural Pollution � Liquid and solid wastes from all types of farming
activities, including run-off from pesticide and fertilizer use, and
from feedlots; erosion and dust from plowing; animal manure and
carcasses; and crop residues and debris. (UN) Wastes, emissions, and
discharges arising from farming activities. Causes include runoff and
leaching of pesticides and fertilizers; pesticide drift and
volatilization; erosion and dust from cultivation; and improper disposal
of animal manure and carcasses. Some agricultural pollution is point
source, e.g., large feedlots, which require permits under the Clean
Water Act, but much is non-point source, meaning that it derives from
dispersed origins, e.g., blowing dust or nutrients leaching from fields.
As most pollution control programs have focused on particular categories
of point sources, non-point and unregulated point sources account for an
increasingly large proportion of remaining pollution. Based
on state surveys, EPA concludes that agricultural sources account for
over one-half the pollution impairing surface water quality in the U.S.
The Clean Water Act mandates that states develop and implement
management programs to control non-point sources of water pollution. Agricultural Preservation Restriction � Also known as the Agricultural Preservation Restriction Program, administered by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) The APR Program is a voluntary program which is intended to offer a non-development alternative to farmers and other owners or "prime" and "state important" agricultural land who are faced with a decision regarding future use and disposition of their farms. Towards this end, the program offers to pay farmers the difference between the "fair market value" and the "agricultural value" of their farmland in exchange for a permanent deed restriction, which precludes any use of the property that will have a negative impact on its agricultural viability. Under the Agricultural Preservation Restriction program, the state purchases restrictions from farmers in order to prohibit development and nonagricultural use of the land. The APR value of the land is the difference between its agricultural value and its fair market value. Farmers retain ownership of the land and may sell it, lease it or bequeath it to their heirs, as long as the farm remains in agricultural use forever. [Land] will be preserved in perpetuity through the state�s Agricultural Preservation Restriction Program with funding from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Agricultural preserve � Under the California Land Conservation Act (Williamson Act), an agricultural preserve defines the boundary of an area within which a city or county will enter into contracts with landowners to maintain land in agriculture or open space use. � (DOI/NPS) Majority of definitions adapted from �A Park and Recreation Professionals' Glossary,� California Department of Parks and Recreation Planning Division, January 1, 2003; other definitions from California State Law, CEQ (NEPA), and Santa Barbara County. Draft Gaviota Coast Feasibility Study & Environmental Assessment Agricultural
Privilege Tax � An annual tax levied on farming activities in the
Everglades Agricultural Area and C-139 Basins to support Phase 1 of the
Everglades Program. � EvergladesPlan glossary Agricultural
Product � (1) Crops grown under cultivated conditions whether used for
personal consumption, subsistence, or sold for commercial benefit; (2)
Domestic livestock, including cattle, sheep, goats, horses, buffalo,
swine, reindeer, fowl, or other animals specifically raised and used for
food or fiber or as a beast of burden; (3) Forage, hay, fodder, food
grains, crop residues and other items grown or harvested for the feeding
and care of livestock, sold for commercial profit, or used for other
purposes; and (4) Other marketable or traditionally used materials
authorized for removal from Indian agricultural lands. � DOI-BIA
Glossary Agricultural
Products � Crops, livestock and livestock products and, to the extent
that land used to produce woodland products qualifies for an
agricultural assessment, woodland products. Agricultural
Protection Areas � Owners of contiguous land, form voluntary
association establishing agriculture as primary use of the land. �
Matrix O' Implementation � Critical Lands Toolkit � Agricultural
Quarantine Inspection (AQI) � A program, administered by USDA's Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service, that inspects incoming passengers,
luggage, and cargo at U.S. ports of entry in order to protect U.S.
agriculture from foreign animal and plant pests and diseases. Agricultural Real Estate �
Real estate which is used primarily 1) for the growing and harvesting of
crops, 2i) for the feeding, breeding and management of livestock, 3) for
dairying, or 4) for any other agricultural or horticultural use or
combination thereof, including
without limitation, aquaculture, silviculture and any
other activities customarily engaged in by persons engaged in the
business of farming. Agricultural Research Service
(ARS) � A USDA agency employing federal scientists to conduct basic,
applied, and developmental research in the following fields: livestock;
plants; soil, water and air quality; energy; food safety and quality;
nutrition; food processing, storage, and distribution efficiency;
non-food agricultural products; and international development. Agricultural
resource management plan � A ten-year plan developed through the
public review process specifying the tribal management goals and
objectives developed for tribal agricultural and grazing resources.
Plans developed and approved under AIARMA will govern the management and
administration of Indian agricultural resources and Indian agricultural
lands by the BIA and Indian tribal governments. � DOI-BIA Glossary Agricultural
Run-off � Water that flows from agricultural fields. Agricultural
run-off is a major source of pesticides in water. (UN) Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS)
� This was the USDA agency which was once primarily responsible for
administering the farm commodity price and income support programs, and
conservation cost-sharing programs. Its functions were folded into a new
Farm Service Agency as a consequence of 1994 reorganization. A
local field service center is maintained in nearly all farming
localities. Agricultural
supply (AGR) � Uses of water for farming, horticulture or ranching
including, but not limited to, irrigation, stock watering, or support of
vegetation for range grazing. � Report in Support of U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's Review of California's Continuing
Planning Process � State Water Resources Control Board, May 2001.
Appendix B, Attachment 1: Standard Beneficial Use Definitions. The
following are the beneficial uses for surface and groundwaters that have
been adopted by the regional boards in basin plans and have been
approved by the State Board. Not all the beneficial use definitions ...
are appropriate for each basin. The uses and their definitions and
abbreviations are to remain standard for all basins. Agricultural Tax Relief � A form of lower taxation
for commercially farmed acres. See Current Agricultural Use Value. Agricultural
Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 � P.L. 83-480 (July 10,
1954) is commonly referred to as 'PL 480" and 'Food for Peace.' The
law established what continues to be the primary U.S. overseas food
assistance program. The program made U.S. agricultural commodities
available through long-term credit at low interest rates and provided
food donations. Agricultural Trade Office �
The Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 directed the establishment of trade offices in major centers of commerce throughout the world. Agricultural
trade offices are operated by
USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service to develop, maintain, and expand
international markets for U.S. agricultural commodities and serve
as centers for export sales promotion and contact points for importers
seeking to buy U.S. farm products. Agricultural
Use � Tracts, lots, or parcels of land totaling not less than ten
acres that, during the three calendar years prior to the year in which
application is filed under section 5713.31 of the Revised Code, and
through the last day of May of such year, were devoted exclusively to
commercial animal or poultry husbandry, aquaculture, apiculture, the
production for a commercial purpose of timber, field crops, tobacco,
fruits, vegetables, nursery stock, ornamental trees, sod, or flowers, or
the growth of timber for a noncommercial purpose, if the land on which
the timber is grown is contiguous to or part of a parcel of land under
common ownership that is otherwise devoted exclusively to agricultural
use, or were devoted to and qualified for payments or other compensation
under a land retirement or conservation program under an agreement with
an agency of the federal government.
Agricultural User Sector (or market) � Pesticides applied by owner/operators and custom/commercial applicators to farms and facilities involved in production of raw agricultural commodities, principally food, fiber, and tobacco; includes non-crop and post-harvest use as well as crop/field applications. � EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Glossary Agricultural
Waste � Waste produced as a result of various agricultural operations.
It includes manure and other wastes from farms, poultry houses and
slaughterhouses; harvest waste; fertilizer run-off from fields;
pesticides that enter into water, air or soils; and salt and silt
drained from fields. (UN) Agriculture
� Farming in all its branches and including: (1) the cultivation and
tillage of the soil, (2) the production, cultivation, growing, and
harvesting of any agricultural, viticultural or horticultural
commodities, (3) the raising and/or the breeding of livestock including
but not limited to dairy and beef cattle, sheep, goats, fur-bearing
animals, companion animals, poultry and swine, (4) the breeding,
boarding, raising or training of equine, (5) the commercial harvesting,
production and processing of fish and shellfish, including aquaculture
and marine production, (6) the commercial production of bees and apiary
products, (7) the production of nursery, sod, floriculture and forest
products, and (8) the harvesting, storage, grading, packaging,
processing, distribution, and sale of such commodities where such
activities occur at the point of production. "The
waters of Upper Klamath Lake have been utilized for agriculture since
the mid 1800s. With the development of the Klamath Project by the Bureau
of Reclamation in 1905 and the construction of the Link River Dam in the
1920s, this use increased dramatically for both irrigation and
hydropower. The result of the dam and diversion at the �A� canal
is a lake which no longer functions in its natural state but is managed
at various artificial levels for agriculture and hydropower and recovery
of endangered species." � The Klamath Headwaters
Agricultural Water Quality Management Area Plan (AgWQMAP), February 5,
(page 15 of 41 pages) Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 � P.L. 93-86 was the 4-year farm bill that adopted target prices and deficiency payments as a tool that would support farm income but reduce forfeitures to the Commodity Credit Corporation of surplus stocks. It reduced payment limitations to $20,000 (from $55,000 set in 1970) for all program crops. The Act might be considered the first omnibus farm bill because it went beyond simply authorizing farm commodity programs. It authorized disaster payments and disaster reserve inventories; created the Rural Environmental Conservation Program; amended the Food Stamp Act of 1964, authorized the use of commodities for feeding low-income mothers and young children (the origin of the supplemental food program); and amended the Rural Development Act of 1972. Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 � P.L. 97-98 was the 4-year omnibus farm bill that continued and modified commodity programs through 1985. It set specific target prices for 4 years, eliminated rice allotments and marketing quotas, lowered dairy supports, and made other changes affecting a wide range of USDA activities. The next year this farm bill was amended to freeze the dairy price support level and mandate loan rates and acreage reserve provisions for the 1983 crops (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1982, P.L. 97-253). Again in 1984, amendments were adopted to freeze target prices, authorize paid land diversion for feed grains, upland cotton, and rice, and provide a wheat payment-in-kind program for 1984 (Agricultural Programs Adjustment Act of 1984, P.L. 98-258). Agriculture, Farming � The science or art of cultivating the soil, producing crops, plants, trees or shrubs, and/or raising livestock which does not require a tax license by the state. Agriculture
in Concert with the Environment (ACE) � An EPA program, administered
cooperatively with USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
(SARE) program, to fund research projects that reduce the risk of
pollution from pesticides and soluble fertilizers. Agrochemical
� Synthetic chemicals
(pesticide and fertilizers) used in agricultural production. Agro-ecology � Study of the relation of agricultural crops and
environment. (UN) Agro-forestry � Collective term for land-use systems and technologies in which woody perennials (trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos and so forth) are deliberately used on the same land management unit as agricultural crops and/or animals, in some form of either spatial arrangement or temporal sequence. (UN) Agrology � Branch of agriculture that deals with the origin, structure, analysis and classification of soils, especially in their relation to crop production. (UN) Agronomic practices � Soil and crop activities employed in the production of farm crops, such as selecting seed, seedbed preparation, fertilizing, liming, manuring, seeding, cultivation, harvesting, curing, crop sequence, crop rotations, cover crops, strip-cropping, pasture development, and others (Soil Conservation Society of America, 1982). - EPA�s Management Measures for Agricultural Sources Glossary Agronomy
� Science of soil management and crop production. (UN) AGS
� Alaska Geological Society AGS
� Americans for Gun Safety AGS
� Appalachian Geological Society AGS
� Arizona Geological Society AGU
� American Geophysical Union AGWFS
� Association of Graduate Wildlife and Fisheries Scientists AgWQMAP
� The Klamath Headwaters Agricultural Water Quality Management Area
Plan, February 5, 2004.
(41 pages) AGWT � American Ground Water Trust AH
� Adaptive Harvest AH
� Affordable Housing AH
� Animal Health AHA
� Ad Hoc Assistance AHA
� American Historical Association AHA � American Humane Association AHAM � Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers AHB � Area Habitat Biologist AHC � Appalachian Hardwood Center AHD
� Affordable Housing Distribution AHE � Architectural historian experts (DOI/NPS) AHI
� Acreage habitat improvement � USDA Forest Service AHIO � Acreage habitat improvement objectives � USDA Forest Service AHL � Adequate Habitat Linkages AHM � Adaptive Harvest Management AHPA
� Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act (1974) AHRFWG � American Heritage River Federal Working Group AHR � Americans for Heritage and Recreation AHRI � American Heritage Rivers Initiative AI
� Agency Infiltration AI � Amnesty International AI � Artificial Insemination AIA � Aquatic Impact Assessments (DOI/USFWS) AIA � ASEAN Investment Area AIANA � Asbestos Information Association of North America AIARMA � American Indian Agricultural Resources Management Act of December 3, 1993 (107 Stat. 2011, 25 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.), and amended on November 2, 1994 (108 Stat. 4572). - DOI-BIA Glossary AIB � Animal Industry Board (USDA) AIBC
� American International Business Central (for businesses doing
business in the former Soviet Union, or planning to) AIC
� Admissible In Court AIC � Ag Internet Club AICDP � Agriculture Innovation Center Demonstration Program � USDA AICO � ASEAN Industrial Corporation Scheme AICP
� The American Institute of Certified Planners (American Planning
Association) AICUZ � Air Installation Compatible Use Zone AID
� Agency for International Development Aid
� The words "aid" and "assistance" refer to flows,
which qualify as Official Development Assistance (ODA) or Official Aid
� Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)
Glossary AIDIS
� Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental
Sciences (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) � The late stage of infection
caused by a virus, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). (WB-UN) AIEC
� Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives AIEO � American Indian Environmental Office AIG
� Arizonans for Immigration Control AIG
� Australian Institute of Geoscientists AIHC
� American Industrial Health Council AIIMI
� Association for Information and Image Management International AIIS
� American Institute for International Steel AIM
� Accuracy In Media AIM
� Alliance of Independent Miners AIM
� American Indian Movement AIMA
� American Institute of Minerals Appraisers AIMCAL
� Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators AIMCL
� Association of Industrial Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators AIME
� American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers AIN � American I.D. Number AIOA
� American Iron Ore Association AIP
� Agreement in Principle
� All Involved Parties AIP
� All Interested Parties AIPA � Area Improvement Project Agreement AIPAC
� American-Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPG
� American Institute of Professional Geologists AIPL
� Actual Insurable Production Losses AIPP
� American Institute for Pollution Prevention (EPA) AIPP � The Aquatic Invasive Plant Project, The Adirondack Nature
Basin � Geographical region all of whose features (hills, bodies of
water) determine a common atmospheric interaction for that region. (UN) Air
binding � A situation where air enters the filter media. Air is
harmful to both the filtration and backwash processes. Air can prevent
the passage of water during the filtration process and can cause the
loss of filter media during the backwash process. Air
Curtain � Method of mechanical containment of oil spills. Air is
bubbled through a perforated pipe causing an upward flow of water that
retards the spreading of oil. Air curtains are also used as barriers to
prevent fish from entering a polluted body of water. (UN) Air-Dry
Weight � The weight of a substance after it has been allowed to dry to
equilibrium with the atmosphere. � National Grassland Plan (USDA
Forest Service) AIRFA � American Indian Religious Freedom Act - DOI/NPS/BLM
gap � An open vertical drop, or vertical empty space, that separates a
drinking (potable) water supply to be protected from another water
system in a water treatment plant or other location. This open gap
prevents the contamination of drinking water by backsiphonage or
backflow because there is no way raw water or any other water can reach
the drinking water. AIRNow � EPA air quality website with local AQI (Air
Quality Index) forecasts
� Air
Pollutants � Substances in air that could, at high enough
concentrations, harm human beings, animals, vegetation or material. Air
pollutants may thus include forms of matter of almost any natural or
artificial composition capable of being airborne. They may consist of
solid particles, liquid droplets or gases, or combinations of these
forms. (UN) Air
Pollution � Any
substance or energy for (heat, light, noise, etc.) that alters the state
of the air from what would naturally occur. � National Grassland Plan
(USDA Forest Service)
2. One or more chemicals in sufficient
concentration in the air to harm humans, other animals, vegetation or
materials. There are many natural pollutants as well as those produced
by human industry. Natural sources can include smoke from forest fires,
wind-blown dust and emissions from volcanic activity. Human activities
such as industry and transport are the major contributors to air
pollution. Many of the pollutants from human activities are very toxic
and contribute to major and global environmental problems as well as
causing problems for health in the local area. Excess heat or noise can
also be considered forms of air pollution. (UNESCO) Air
Pollution Episode � The high concentration of air pollutants due to
temperature inversion and low winds. It may give rise to serious, and
sometimes fatal, illness. Air
Pollution Sources � Activities that result in air pollution including
agricultural activities, combustion processes, dust-producing processes,
manufacturing activities, nuclear energy-related activities,
spray-painting, printing, dry-cleaning, and so on. Air Quality � A measure
of the health-related and visual characteristics of the air, often
derived from quantitative measurements of the concentrations of specific
injurious or contaminating substances. � McGregor Range Draft Resource
Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement, Prepared
for United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management,
Las Cruces (New Mexico) Field Office, January 2005.
(DOI/BLM) Glossary
(Pages 259-268 of 282) 2. Refers to standards
for various classes of land as designated by the Clean Air Act. Measure of the health-related and visual characteristics of the air, often
derived from quantitative measurements of the concentrations of specific
injurious or contaminating substances. Air
Quality Class I and II Areas � Regions in attainment areas where
maintenance of existing good air quality is of high priority. Class I
areas are those that have the most stringent degree of protection from
future degradation of air quality, such as National Parks. Class II
areas permit moderate deterioration of existing air quality, such as
lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). � BLM (DOI)
Grand Escalante Staircase National Monument DEIS Glossary 2. Classes
established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that define the
amount of air pollution considered significant within an area: I: Almost
any change in air quality would be considered significant. II:
Deterioration normally accompanying moderate, well-controlled growth
would be considered insignificant. III. Deterioration up to the national
standards would be considered insignificant. � BLM Air
Quality Maintenance Area � Specific populated area where air quality
is a problem for one or more pollutants (Portland-Vancouver, Salem,
Eugene-Springfield, and Medford-Ashland). - Bioenergy Glossary Air Quality Related Value (AQRV) � A resource, as identified by the FLM (Federal Land Managers) for one or more Federal areas, that may be adversely affected by a change in air quality. The resource may include visibility or a specific scenic, cultural, physical, biological, ecological, or recreational resource identified by the FLM for a particular area. � National Park Service Nature and Science Air Resources Division-Permits: FLAG (Federal Land Managers' AQRV Work Group) Air Rights (related to public-private partnerships) � Air rights provide the right to use, control, or occupy the space above a designated property. Air rights can often be leased, sold, or donated to another party. � General Accounting Office (GAO) Public-Private Partnerships Glossary Air
Slaking � The process of breaking up or sloughing when an indurated
soil is exposed to air. Air
stripping � A treatment process used to remove dissolved gases and
volatile substances from water. Large volumes of air are bubbled through
the water being treated to remove (strip out) the dissolved gases and
volatile substances. Also see packed tower aeration. Airshed � Basic geographic units in which air quality is managed. /ea/glossary.pdf
2. Those areas where significant
portions of emissions result in deposition of the various air pollutants
to a region. Many types of air pollution are carried by the wind from
state to state, and are harmful to people and the environment, even in
rural areas. � (DOI/NPS) Long-Term Monitoring Plan � National
Capital Region Network, September 30, 2005. Submitted by: Inventory and
Monitoring Program, National Capital Region Network, Center for Urban
Ecology, 4598 MacArthur Boulevard NW, Washington, D.C. 20007.
(Pages G-1 through G-8 - Glossary � or pages 150 through 156 of 156
pages) 3. A geographical area, which,
because of topography, meteorology, and climate, routinely shares the
same air mass. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
4. A geographic area that shares the same air mass due to topography,
meteorology, and climate. � The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team
Chapter 9 Glossary
5. The term has been used to describe those
areas where significant portions of air emissions result in the
deposition of various air pollutants to specific land or water areas.
The airshed may be substantially larger than the watershed. � Great
Lakes glossary 6. A geographic area that, due to topography,
meteorology, and climate, shares the same air. Airspace
Ratio � Ratio of volume of water that can be drained from a saturated
soil or rock under the action of force of gravity to total volume of
voids. Air-void
Ratio � The ratio of the volume of airspace to the total volume of
voids in a soil mass. AIS
� Aquatic invasive species AIS
� Automated Information Systems (HUD, TARE) AISE
� Association of Iron and Steel Engineers AISI � American Iron and Steel Institute AIT � Appropriate Information Technology AIWA � Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association AIWFMP � Alaska Interagency Wildland Fire Management Responsibilities AIWW � The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway A-J
� Alaska-Juneau, also the Alaska-Juneau Mine Project AJC
� American Jewish Committee AJV
� Association for Judeo-Christian Values AK
� Animal Kingdom AKA
� Also Known As Aitken
Nuclei � Very small particles that exist in high concentrations in the
atmosphere and are generally produced by combustion processes. AL
� Absentee Landowner AL
� Agricultural Landscape AL � American Lands AL � Assembly Line ALA � The American Lands Alliance ALA � American Legislators Association Alabaster
� Compact, fine-grained gypsum, white or shaded. Used for ornamental
vessels, figures, and other carving. � BLM (DOI) Grand Escalante
Staircase National Monument DEIS Glossary ALAGSG
� As Long As the Grass Shall Grow ALANA
� Asian, Latino, African and Native Americans ALAPCO
� The Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials ALARM
� Automated Landings Assessment for Responsive Management Alaska
Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) � A corporate entity established to
conduct both business and nonprofit affairs of Alaska Natives, pursuant
to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-203,
as amended). Twelve ANRCs are legally bounded geographic entities that
cover Alaska, except for the Annette Islands Reserve (an American Indian
reservation). A thirteenth ANRC represents Alaska Natives who do not
live in Alaska and do not identify with any of the 12 corporations; the
U.S. Census Bureau does not present data for this ANRC. � United
States Census 2000, Geographic Changes for Census 2000 + Glossary Alaska
Native village (ANV) � A local governmental unit in Alaska that
constitutes an association, band, clan, community, group, tribe, or
village, recognized pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
of 1972 (Public Law 92-203, as amended). ANVs do not have clearly
defined boundaries that are easily locatable, and they often include
many square miles of land used by Alaska Natives for hunting and
fishing, so the U.S. Census Bureau works with officials of the Alaska
Native villages and Alaska Native Regional Corporations to delineate
Alaska Native village statistical areas for data presentation purposes.
� United States Census 2000, Geographic Changes for Census 2000 +
Glossary Alaska
Native village statistical area (ANVSA) � A statistical entity that
represents the settled portion of an Alaska Native village for data
presentation purposes. � United States Census 2000, Geographic Changes
for Census 2000 + Glossary Alb
� An albic horizon. Albedo
� A measure of surface
reflectivity, usually expressed as a percentage, such as the proportion
of solar radiation that is reflected back into space from the Earth,
clouds, and atmosphere without heating the receiving surface. Studying a
planet's albedo can help determine the composition of its surface.
2. The percentage of incoming radiation that
is reflected by a natural surface such as the ground, ice, snow, water,
clouds, or particulates in the atmosphere. � USDA glossary Albers
Equal Area Projection � The Albers Equal Area projection is a method
of projection on which the areas of all regions are shown in the same
proportion of their true areas. The meridians are equally spaced
straight lines converging at a common point, which is normally beyond
the pole. The angles between them are less than the true angles. The
parallels are unequally spaced concentric circular arcs centered on the
point of convergence of the meridians. The meridians are radii of the
circular arcs. The poles are normally circular arcs enclosing the same
angle as that enclosed by the other parallels of latitude for a given
range of longitude. Albers Equal Area is frequently used in the
ellipsoidal form for maps of the United States in the National Atlas of
the United States, for thematic maps, and for world atlases. It is also
used and recommended for equal-area maps of regions that are
predominantly east-west in extent. � USDA glossary ALC � American Land Conservancy ALC � Alaska Lands Coalition ALC � Area and Landscape Considerations (USFWS/DOI, USGS) ALCA
� Associated Landscape Contractors of America ALCAB
� Agricultural Lands Condemnation Approval Board ALCC
� Authority, Legal Compliance and Compatibility (DOI) Alcids
� Any of the Alcidae family (Order Charadriiformes) of marine birds
having a stout bill, short wings and tail, webbed feet, a large head and
heavy body, and thick, compact plumage. Confined to the northern parts
of the Northern Hemisphere, alcids include auks, guillemots, murres, and
puffins. Alcove
� A small rock shelter. � BLM ALEC
� American Legislative Exchange Council ALERT
� Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time (a flood warning system) Alevin
� A young fish,
particularly a young salmon that is still attached to the yolk sac.
2. A young fish, especially a newly hatched
salmon still attached to the yolk sac. � BLM Surface Mgmt. Regs. Alewife
� A small silver-colored fish that is not native to the Great Lakes.
� Great Lakes glossary ALF
� American Land Foundation ALF
� Animal Liberation Front ALF
� Atlantic Legal Foundation ALG
� American Lands Grassland Algae
� Microscopic plants
[that] contain chlorophyll and live floating or suspended in water. They
also may be attached to structures, rocks or other submerged surfaces.
They are food for fish and small aquatic animals. Excess algal growths
can impart tastes and odors to potable water. Algae produce oxygen
during sunlight hours and use oxygen during the night hours. Their
biological activities appreciably affect the pH and dissolved oxygen of
the water.
2. Photosynthetic organisms lacking multicellular sex
organs. � U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration
Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement, Chapter 10,
3. A
collective, or general name, applied to a number of primarily aquatic,
photosynthetic groups (taxa) of plants and plant-like protists. They
range in size from single cells to large, multicellular forms like the
giant kelps. They are the foodbase for almost all marine animals.
Important taxa are the dinoflagellates (division Pyrrophyta), diatoms
(div., Chrysophyta), green algae (div. Chlorophyta), brown algae (div.
Phaeophyta), and red algae (div. Rhodophyta). Cyanobacteria are often
called blue-green algae, although blue-green bacteria is a preferable
term. � "DEIS for EFH for the Gulf of Mexico FMPs" � Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for the Generic Essential Fish Habitat
Amendment to the following fishery management plans for the Gulf of
Mexico (GOM): Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Red Drum Fishery of
the Gulf of Mexico; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Stone Crab
Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Coral and Coral Reef Fishery of the Gulf
of Mexico; Spiny Lobster Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico and South
Atlantic; and the Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of
Mexico and South Atlantic. This is a publication of the Gulf of Mexico
Fishery Management Council pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Award No. NA17FC102. 20Gulf%20EFH%20EIS%20703.pdf
(pages 9-13 of 654) 4.
The common name for the
relatively simple type of unicellular or multicellular plant which is
never differentiated into root, stem, and leaves, contains chlorophyll a
as its photosynthetic pigment, has no true vascular system, and has no
sterile layer of cells surrounding its reproductive organs. Found in
most habitats on Earth, though the majority occurs in freshwater or
marine environments.
5. Simple plants found in water and elsewhere
that have no roots, flowers, or seeds. These are usually microscopic
plants and are the primary producers in lakes. See phytoplankton and
periphyton. � Great Lakes glossary Algal
Bloom � Sudden,
massive growths of microscopic and macroscopic plant life, such as green
or bluegreen algae, which develop in lakes and reservoirs. Algaecide
� Chemical highly toxic to algae, used to control the growth of algal
blooms. Algicide
� Any substance or chemical specifically formulated to kill or control
algae. ALI-ABA
� American Law Institute � American Bar Association; Committee on
Continuing Professional Education / Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Alien � An individual who is not a citizen or a national of
the U.S. The term refers to all foreign nationals in the U.S. whether or
not they are here temporarily or with permanent resident status. �
2. Something
that is foreign. � UNEP Children's Glossary Alien
invasive species � An alien species that becomes established in
natural or semi-natural ecosystems or habitat, is an agent of change,
and threatens native biological diversity. � IUCN Alien
species � A species occurring in an area outside of its historically
known natural range as a result of intentional or accidental dispersal
by human activities. Also known as introduced species. � UNDP/WRI 2.
Alien species (non-native, non-indigenous, foreign, exotic) � A
species, subspecies, or lower taxon occurring outside of its natural
range (past or present) and dispersal potential (i.e., outside the range
it occupies naturally or could not occupy without direct or indirect
introduction or care by humans) and includes any part, gametes or
propagule of such species that might survive and subsequently reproduce.
� IUCN Alienate
� To transfer the title to a property from one party to another. �
U.S. Treasury OTS (Office of Thrift Supervision, in charge of banks,
savings and loan associations, etc.) Alienated
Land � Land of one ownership [that is] enclosed within [the]
boundaries of another ownership. Often refers to land in private
ownership within the boundaries of public
land. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
See also Inholder and Inholding. Alignment
� The degree of agreement, conformance, and consistency among
organizational purpose, vision, and values; structures, systems, and
processes; and individual skills and behaviors. � Forest Service
2. The horizontal route or direction of an access road. Alkali
� Various soluble
salts, principally of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, that
have the property of combining with acids to form neutral salts and may
be used in chemical water treatment processes. Alkaline
� The condition of water or soil, which contains a sufficient amount
of alkali substances to raise the pH above 7.0. Alkalinity
� The capacity of water to neutralize acids. This capacity is caused
by the water's content of carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxide and
occasionally borate, silicate, and phosphate. Alkalinity is expressed in
milligrams per liter of equivalent calcium carbonate. Alkalinity is not
the same as pH because water does not have to be strongly basic (high
pH) to have a high alkalinity. Alkalinity is a measure of how much acid
can be added to a liquid without causing a great change in pH. All-American
Roads (AAR) � Public roads
that have been designated by the federal government as satisfying National
Scenic Byways
criteria and have satisfied the additional criteria and requirements for
designation as All-American
Roads pursuant to the National Scenic Byways Program and its implementing legislation and regulations. NPS � DOI 2. To
receive an All-American Road designation, a road must possess at least
two intrinsic qualities that are nationally significant and contain
one-of-a-kind features that do not exist elsewhere. The
road or highway must also be considered a "destination unto
itself." That is, the road must provide an exceptional traveling
experience so recognized by travelers that they would make a
drive along the highway a primary reason for their trip. All Land That Contains or Needs Water �
What is effected by the United Nations Convention on Desertification,
and the control and governance of therein. (UN) All-Terrain
Vehicle (ATV) � All-terrain vehicle � 42" width or smaller. A
small, amphibious motor vehicle with wheels or tractor treads for
traveling over rough ground, snow, or ice, as well as on water. � McGregor Range Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and
Environmental Impact Statement, Prepared for United States Department of
the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces (New Mexico) Field
Office, January 2005.
(DOI/BLM) Glossary
(Pages 259-268 of 282) All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Route � A route reserved for ATVs or other mechanized transport not normally suitable for full size four wheeled vehicles. (DOI/BLM) ProposedRMP/Appendices/14.Appendix%20M%20PRMP.pdf All-weather
Road � A road capable of being utilized during all weather conditions
with only minor or short-term restrictions. � National Grassland Plan
(USDA Forest Service) Allee
effect � A depression in the encounter rate between male and female
owls resulting from low population densities. The probability of finding
a mate drops below that required to maintain the reproductive rates
necessary to support the population. � The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary Allele
� One of several forms of the same gene. � UNDP/WRI Allelopathy
� Influence of plants upon each other caused by products of
metabolism, e.g. creosote bushes produce a toxic substance, which
inhibits the growth of other plants in the immediate vicinity. Allelopathy � The repression or destruction of plants from the effects of certain toxic chemical substances produced and released by other nearby plants. � DOI/NPS Alley
� A right-of-way, which provides secondary service access for vehicles
to the side or rear of abutting properties.
Alliance � A group of related botanical or zoological families, especially a group of plants intermediate between a class and an order. Alliance
for Sustainable Practices � What came from the 1991 Vail Agenda. �
for the Great Lakes � The Alliance for the Great Lakes (also known as
"The Alliance") "Ensuring a Living Resource for All
Mission: The mission of the Alliance for the
Great Lakes is to: "conserve and restore the world's largest
freshwater resource using policy, education and local efforts, ensuring
a healthy Great Lakes and clean water for generations of people and
wildlife." About: In 1970 citizens stood on the lakeshore and
issued a powerful proclamation: "We don't have to wait for
governments or anyone else to protect Lake Michigan. We can take steps
together to restore the lake we love." Thus, the original Lake
Michigan Federation was formed. Thirty-five years later, in 2005, the
organization crossed another threshold. Seeing that decisions made by
elected officials in other parts of the Great Lakes basin affected Lake
Michigan, and vice versa, the organization changed its name to the
Alliance for the Great Lakes. The Alliance is picking up where the
Federation left off, continuing to work on basin-wide policies, working
in partnership with other organizations, and mobilizing local efforts on
behalf of the Great Lakes. The Federation, meanwhile, remains a project
of the Alliance, focusing on issues of particular concern to the largest
lake within U.S. borders. The Alliance works to conserve and restore the
world's largest freshwater resource through policy, education and local
efforts aimed at preserving the Great Lakes region as a national
treasure. It also works with the region's residents, enhancing their
understanding of how they can help, too. To that end, we draw on many
resources, working with teachers, scientists, economists, legal
specialists, government representatives, communities and individuals.
And, year-by-year, individual-by-individual, we're getting back a
healthy Great Lakes environment, thanks to supporters like you. Our
programs focus on: Water Quality: eliminating toxic and bacterial
pollution, which cause beach closings; Water Conservation: promoting
sustainable water use to keep the Great Lakes great; Habitat Recovery:
restoring and enhancing habitat, especially in urban areas, and
eliminating invasive species; Land Use: protecting lands that drain into
the Great Lakes and their natural features; Clean Energy: protecting the
Great Lakes from harmful effects of energy use; Education &
Outreach: providing education and volunteer opportunities for adults and
children to build an appreciation for the Great Lakes. Governed by about
20 volunteers from around the region, the Alliance also coordinates a
network of community-based organizations from around the region, which
gather annually to craft basin-wide solutions with a local emphasis. Allocation
� The assignment of a land area to a particular use or uses to achieve
management goals and objectives. � National Grassland Plan (USDA
Forest Service) 2. The assignment of management prescriptions to particular land areas to achieve the goals and objectives of an alternative. 3. The apportionment of grazing privileges without competition to tribal members or tribal entities, including the tribal designation of permittees and the number and kind of livestock to be grazed. � DOI-BIA Glossary 4. Process to specifically assign use between and ration among competing users for a particular area of public land or related waters. � BLM (DOI) Grand Escalante Staircase National Monument DEIS Glossary 5. Definition under development. � Glossary is a feature of Know Net, a knowledge management, e-learning and performance support system sponsored by the Government of the United States of America. Know Net can be accessed at Allochthonous
� Derived from within a system, such a organic matter in a stream
resulting from photosynthesis by aquatic plants.
matter a stream that is produced outside of the stream, usually by
riparian plants and trees. Autochthonous organic matter is produced in
the stream, by algae and aquatic plants. Exotic species of a given area. Allogenic
� Resulting from factors acting from outside a system or material
transported into an area from outside, which alter the system's habitat. Allopatric � Having separate and mutually exclusive areas of geographic distribution. Allophane
� Amorphous (non-crystalline) clay-sized aluminosilicate. Allotment
� An area of land where one or more individuals graze their livestock.
An allotment generally consists of federal rangelands, but may include
intermingled parcels of private, state or federal lands. BLM and the
Forest Service stipulate the number of livestock and season of use for
each allotment. � BLM
Rangeland Program Glossary
2. An area of land in the United States where
one or more individuals graze their livestock. An allotment generally
consists of federal rangelands, but may include intermingled parcels of
private, state, or federal lands. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM-DOI)
and the U.S. Forest Service stipulate the number of livestock and season
of use for each allotment. In
conjunction with commodity support programs, acreage allotments and
marketing quotas serve to limit a farm's output or volume marketed. For
federal lands grazing, an allotment is an area designated and managed
for grazing of livestock. The Bureau of Land Management and the Forest
Service stipulate the number of livestock and time period (season) of
use for each allotment. (BLM-DOI) 3. (Range Allotment) � The area
designated for use by a prescribed number of livestock for a prescribed
period of time. Though an entire Ranger District may be divided into
allotments, all land will not be grazed, because other uses, such as
recreation or tree plantings, may be more important at a given time. (DOI)
4. Surveyed reservation land distributed by the government to individual
Indians under the provisions of the Dawes Allotment Act. Generally, 160
acres were allotted to heads of families, 80 acres to single persons and
40 acres to other family members. � �Meaningful Involvement
and Fair Treatment by Tribal Environmental Regulatory Programs, A Report
of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council,� prepared by
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Indigenous Peoples
Subcommittee, November 15, 2004.
(Pages 667-68 of 68) 5. Allotment (range) � A designated area of land
available for livestock grazing upon which a specified number and kind
of livestock may be grazed under management of an authorized agency. �
McGregor Range Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and
Environmental Impact Statement, Prepared for United States Department of
the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces (New Mexico) Field
Office, January 2005.
(DOI/BLM) Glossary (Pages 259-268 of 282) See Range Allotment. 6. A
designated area of land available for livestock grazing upon which a
specified number and kind of livestock may be grazed under a range
allotment management plan. It is the basic land unit used to facilitate
management of the range resource on National Forest System lands,
including national grasslands. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest
7. Area of land on which grazing may be allowed by permit. � Umatilla
National Forest (Washington/Oregon) Allotment
Management Plan (AMP) � A livestock grazing management plan dealing
with a specific unit of rangeland and based on multiple use resource
management objectives. The AMP considers livestock grazing in relation
to other uses of rangelands and in relation to renewable resources,
watershed, vegetation and wildlife. An AMP establishes the seasons of
use, the number of livestock to be permitted on rangelands, and the
rangeland improvements needed. � BLM Rangeland Program Glossary
2. The document containing the action program needed to manage the range
resource for livestock utilization -- and possibly wildlife utilization
-- while considering the soil, watershed, wildlife, recreation, timber
and other resources on lands within a range allotment. � National
Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
3. The document, which contains the action program needed to manage the
rangeland resource for livestock grazing with consideration given to
soil, watershed, wildlife, recreation, timber, and other resources on
lands within a range allotment. � Umatilla National Forest
(Washington/Oregon) Allowable
Cut � Amount of timber, which may be harvested in any given year. Allowable
cut effect (ACE) � The expected change in the allowable sale quantity
resulting from future management decisions. � The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team
Chapter 9 Glossary Allowable Sale Quantity (ASQ) �
The quantity of timber that may be sold from the area of suitable land
covered by the Forest Plan for a time period specified by the plan. This
quantity is usually expressed on an annual basis as the "average
annual allowable sale quantity." � National Grassland Plan (USDA
Forest Service)
2. The gross amount of timber volume, including salvage, [which] may be
sold annually from a specified area over a stated period in accordance
with management plans of the Forest Service or Bureau of Land
Management. Formerly referred to as allowable cut. � The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team
Chapter 9 Glossary
3. The amount of timber that may be sold, from
the area of suitable land covered by the Forest Plan, for a time period
specified by the Plan. This quantity is usually expressed on a an annual
basis as the �average annual allowable sale quantity.� Allowable Use � 1) The
degree of utilization considered desirable and attainable on various
parts of a ranch or allotment considering the present nature and
condition of the resource, management objectives and levels of
management. 2) The amount of forage planned to be used to accelerate
range improvement. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
3. An estimate of proper range use. Forty to
fifty percent of the annual growth if often used as a rule of thumb on
ranges in good to excellent condition. It can also mean the amount of
forage planned to be used to accelerate range rehabilitation. Alluvial
� Originated through the transport by and deposition from running
water. �
The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary
2. Of or relating to river and stream deposits.
3. Material transported and deposited by the
action of flowing water, such as clay, silt, sand, and gravel. � U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation Glossary
4. Relating to mud and/or sand
deposited by flowing water. Alluvial deposits may occur after a heavy
5. An adjective referring to alluvium, which are sediments deposited by
erosional processes, usually by streams. � Yosemite National Park,
Merced Wild and Scenic River Revised Comprehensive Management Plan and
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Chapter VIII:
Glossary Alluvial
Deposit � Sedimentary matter, such as sand and mud, deposits by
flowing water, generally of comparatively recent times. � BLM (DOI)
Grand Escalante Staircase National Monument DEIS Glossary Alluvial
Fan � The fanlike
deposit of a stream where it issues from a gorge upon a plain or of a
tributary stream near or at its junction with its main stream. � Soil
Survey of McDowell County, West Virginia, Issued 2004.
(page 69 of 115) 2. Lowland loose sediment
deposited by water run-off -usually forms at the base of mountains in
arid and semi-arid environments. � NPS Ecology and Restoration
Glossary 2. A cone-shaped deposit of alluvium made by a stream where it
runs out onto a level plain or meets a slower stream. � BLM (DOI)
Grand Escalante Staircase National Monument DEIS Glossary Alluvial
soil � Soil formed in material deposited by the action of running
water, such as a floodplain or delta. Alluviation
� The depositional process that forms alluvium in places where the
stream loses its sediment carrying capacity. Stream deposition. Alluvium
� Sediments generally
composed of clay, silt, sand, gravel, or similar unconsolidated material
deposited by flowing rivers and streams. � U.S. Department of Energy (DOI)
Remediation of the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings, Grand and San Juan
Counties, Utah Draft Environmental Impact Statement
2. Sediments deposited by streams,
rivers and moving waters. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest
3. Any sediment deposited by flowing water, as
in a riverbed, floodplain or delta. 3. A general term for clay,
silt, sand, gravel, or similar unconsolidated rock fragments or
particles deposited during comparatively recent geologic time by a
stream or other body of running water. � Yosemite National Park,
Merced Wild and Scenic River Revised Comprehensive Management Plan and
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Chapter VIII:
4. Material, such as sand, silt, or
clay, deposited on land by streams. � Soil Survey of McDowell County,
West Virginia, Issued 2004.
(page 69 of 115) 5. Material, including clay,
silt, sand, gravel, or similar unconsolidated sediments, deposited by a
stream bed or other body of running water. � BLM ALMRS
� Automated Land and Mineral Record System (DOI) ALN
� Asynchronous Learning Networks Along � "Along a line" means on and in the direction of the line. "Along the road" means along the centerline or thread of the road unless qualified; for example, along the east side of the road. "Along a line" may be changing in direction by curves or angles. The term "along" may also mean "on.� � Cadastral Data glossary ALP � Agricultural Land Preservation ALP � Automated Lands Project (Forest Service) Alpha, alpha-dipyridyl � A dye that when dissolved in 1N ammonium acetate is used to detect the presence of reduced iron (Fe II) in the soil. A positive reaction indicates a type of redoximorphic feature. � Soil Survey of McDowell County, West Virginia, Issued 2004. (page 69 of 115) ALPI
� Advanced Leadership Preparation Initiative. Parent organization
appears to be SEP � The Southern Empowerment Project. Mission
statement: SEP is a multi-racial
association of member-run, member-based organizations. SEP stands with
the oppressed, challenging racism and social injustice. SEP recruits and
trains community leaders to become organizers to assist organizations in
the South and Appalachia to solve community problems. The Southern Empowerment Project proudly announces the fellowship
group of the Advanced Leadership Preparation Initiative (ALPI), the
Southern Organizing Fellowship, funded by the Southern Cooperative
Organizing Cooperative in Birmingham, Alabama. Also Carolina Alliance
for Fair Employment (CAFE). Also Community Farm Alliance (CFA). Also
JONAH (Just Organized Neighborhoods Are Headquarters). Also Kentucky
Fairness Alliance (KFA). Also Save Our Cumberland Mountains (SOCM). Also
Solutions to Issues of Concern for Knoxvillians (Solutions). Also South
Carolina Fair Share (SCFC). These organizations all seem to be well
funded and are heavily involved in getting comprehensive planning and
zoning placed everywhere. Alpine
� High mountain areas above the timberline (where trees cease to
inhabit extremely cold environments). � NPS Ecology and Restoration
Glossary Alpine
tundra � A treeless region above the treeline of high mountains,
characterized by cold winters and short, cool summers and having
permafrost below a surface layer that may melt in summer. ALR
� Agricultural Land Reserve ALRA
� American Land Rights Association (formerly the National Inholders�
Association) ALSA
� American Land Sovereignty Act ALSA � American Society of Landscape Architects ALT � American Land Trust Alternative
� A combination of
management prescriptions applied in amounts and locations to achieve a
desired management emphasis as expressed in goals and objectives. One of
a number of plans or projects proposed for decision-making. � McGregor
Range Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact
Statement, Prepared for United States Department of the Interior Bureau
of Land Management, Las Cruces (New Mexico) Field Office, January 2005. (DOI/BLM) Glossary (Pages 259-268 of 282) 2. A mix of management prescriptions applied to specific land areas to achieve a set of goals and objectives. A set of objectives and strategies needed to achieve refuge foals and the desired future condition. One of several policies, plans, or projects proposed for decision-making. The alternative provides management direction for the proposed project [that] reflects identified public and management concerns for the Decision Area. Courses of action that may meet the objectives of a proposal at varying levels of accomplishment, including the most likely future conditions without the project or action. 3. A reasonable way to fix the identified problem or satisfy the stated need. � U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Glossary of Planning Terms 4. 1.) A reasonable way to fix the identified problem or satisfy the stated need (40 CFR 1500.2); 2.) Alternatives are different means of accomplishing refuge purposes and goals and contributing to the Refuge System mission (Draft Service Manual 602 FW 1.5). 5. A combination of management prescriptions applied in specific amounts and locations to achieve a desired management emphasis as expressed in goals and objectives. One of the several policies, plans or projects, proposed for decision-making. An alternative need not substitute for another in all respects. glossary.pdf
and National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
6. One of several policies, plans, or projects proposed for making
decisions. �
The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary Alternative Agricultural Practices � Practices
adopted by farmers and ranchers that keep their operations productive
and profitable, while protecting a diverse ecosystem for future
generations. Alternative
Agricultural Research and Commercialization Corporation (AARCC) �
Originally established by the FACT Act 1990 as the Applied Agricultural
Research Commercialization Center, the purpose of the AARCC is to assist
in the research, development, and commercialization of new nonfood
products from agricultural and forestry commodities. AAARC makes
repayable equity investments, such as buying stock or taking a
percentage of future sales (royalties), or both. The FAIR Act of 1996
changed the Center from a government agency to a wholly owned venture
capital corporation of USDA. Alternative Agriculture �
Alternative agriculture is more
difficult to define due to the diversity of this group, yet there is
commonality in the underlying philosophy that is held. There is a
preference for reduced use of farm chemicals, small farms, reduced
technology and energy, self-sufficiency, and conservation of resources.
This group includes organic, sustainable, regenerative, low input
agriculture; and natural farming (Buttel et al. 1986).
page 24; see also page 32. 2. A systematic approach to farming intended
to reduce agricultural pollution, enhance sustainability, and improve
efficiency and profitability. Overall, alternative agriculture
emphasizes management practices that take advantage of natural processes
(such as nutrient cycles, nitrogen fixation, and pest-predator
relationships), improve the match between cropping patterns and
agronomic practices on the one hand and the productive potential and
physical characteristics of the land on the other, and make selective
use of commercial fertilizer and pesticides to ensure production
efficiency and conservation of soil, water, energy, and biological
resources. Examples of alternative agricultural practices include use of
crop rotation, animal and green manures, soil and water conserving
tillage systems, such as no-till planting methods, integrated pest
management, and use of genetically improved crops and animals. Consonant
with sustainable agriculture, alternative agriculture focuses on those
farming practices that go beyond traditional or conventional
agriculture, though it does not exclude conventional practices that are
consistent with the overall system.
Alternative courses of action � All alternatives and thus is not limited to original project objectives and agency jurisdiction. � ESA Alternative Fuels � Methanol, denatured ethanol, and other alcohols, mixtures containing 85 percent or more (or such other percentage, but not less than 70 percent) by volume of methanol, denatured ethanol, and other alcohols with gasoline or other fuels; natural gas; liquefied petroleum gas; hydrogen; coal-derived liquid fuels; fuels (other than alcohol) derived from biological materials; and electricity, including electricity from solar energy. � EIA (Energy Information Administration), Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government Alternative
(or Appropriate) Dispute Resolution (ADR) � Resolution is used narrowly to refer to a set of alternatives to
litigation including mediation, arbitration, and summary jury trials.
Used broadly it refers to all methods which resolve conflicts between
parties by a means other than an adversarial or judicial process.
2. Alternative
(means of) Dispute Resolution� � �Any procedure that is used to
resolve issues in controversy, including but not limited to
conciliation, facilitation, mediation, fact finding, mini-trials,
arbitration, use of ombuds[men] or any combination thereof.� 5 U.S.C.
Any process used to prevent, manage, or
resolve conflict using procedures other than traditional courtroom
litigation or formal agency adjudication. � BLM Alternate
Dispute Resolution Office � The Office established by FEMA to promote
use of Alternative Dispute Resolution as a means of resolving disputes.
The address of the Alternate Dispute Resolution Office is Federal
Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, D.C. 20472
� FEMA Sec. 295.50 Alternative
fuels � Substitutes for traditional liquid, oil- derived motor vehicle
fuels like gasoline and diesel. Includes methanol, ethanol, compressed
natural gas, and others. The alternatives are promoted for pollution
reduction properties and/or to reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil.
Ethanol can be produced from grain, agricultural wastes, and excess
crops. Alternative
means of dispute resolution � An inclusive term used to describe a
variety of problem-solving processes that are used in lieu of litigation
or administrative adjudication to resolve issues in controversy,
including but not limited to, settlement negotiations, conciliation,
facilitation, mediation, fact-finding, mini-trials, and arbitration, or
any combination thereof. � DOI � Alternative dispute resolution
glossary Alternative
preservatives � Wood preservatives other than CCA, ACZA, penta and
creosote � the most common wood preservative systems. � EPA Office
of Pesticide Programs Glossary Alternatives
� Different sets of
objectives and strategies or means of achieving refuge purposes and
goals, helping fulfill the Refuge System mission, and resolving issues. � U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Manual,
Refuge Planning Overview
2. A collection of actions assembled to provide reasonable options for
solutions to problems. �
(DOI/NPS) Majority of definitions adapted from �A Park and Recreation
Professionals' Glossary,� California Department of Parks and
Recreation Planning Division, January 1, 2003; other definitions from
California State Law, CEQ (NEPA), and Santa Barbara County. Draft
Gaviota Coast Feasibility Study & Environmental Assessment
3. Sets of management elements
that represent a range of options for how, or whether to proceed,
with a proposed project. An environmental assessment analyzes the
potential environmental and social impacts of the range of alternatives
4. Sets of management elements that represent a range of options
for how, or whether to proceed with a proposed project. An environmental
impact statement, such the one in this Merced River Plan, analyzes the
potential environmental and social impacts of the range of alternatives
presented. � Yosemite National Park, Merced Wild and Scenic River
Revised Comprehensive Management Plan and Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement (SEIS) Chapter VIII: Glossary Alternatives
Analysis (AA) � Evaluation of alternatives should present the proposed
action and all the alternatives in comparative form, to define the
issues and provide a clear basis for choice among the options. In its
regulations implementing NEPA, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
calls the alternatives analysis section the "heart of the EIS"
and require that agencies shall: (a) Rigorously explore and objectively
evaluate all reasonable alternatives and for alternatives which were
eliminated from detailed study, briefly discuss the reasons for their
having been eliminated. (b) Devote substantial treatment to each
alternative considered in detail including the proposed action so that
reviewers may evaluate their comparative merits. (c) Include reasonable
alternatives not within the jurisdiction of the lead agency. (d) Include
the alternative of no action. (e) Identify the agency's preferred
alternative or alternatives, if one or more exists, in the draft
statement and identify such alternative in the final statement unless
another law prohibits the expression of such a preference. (f) Include
appropriate mitigation measures not already included in the proposed
action or alternatives. Other Requirements Involving Alternatives
Analysis (Source: FHWA Guidance on Purpose and Need Statements) Beyond
the CEQ regulations requirement of evaluating all, or a reasonable
number representative of the full spectrum of reasonable alternatives,
there are other more action-limiting requirements for alternatives under
Section 4(f), the Executive Orders on Wetlands and Floodplains, and the
Section 404(b)(1) guidelines. To address these requirements and
conclusively demonstrate that some alternatives are not prudent or
practicable, a well-justified purpose and need are vital. The use of
land from a Section 4(f) protected property (significant publicly owned
public park, recreation area or wildlife and waterfowl refuge, or any
significant historic site) may not be approved unless a determination is
made that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to such use.
There are numerous factors [that] could render an alternative "not
prudent" because of unique problems, including cost and
environmental impacts. If an alternative does not meet the project's
purpose or satisfy the needs then the alternative is not prudent
provided the purpose and need section can substantiate that unique
problems will be caused by not building the project. If a proposed
action is to be located in a wetland or it entails a floodplain
encroachment with significant impacts, a finding must be made that there
is no practicable alternative to the wetland take or floodplain
encroachment. Any alternative [that] does not meet the need for the
project is not practicable. If the project's purpose and need are not
adequately addressed, specifically delineated and properly justified,
resource agencies, interest groups, the public or others will be able to
generate one or possibly several alternatives which avoid or limit the
impact and "appear" practicable. Sometimes long, drawn out
negotiations or additional analyses are needed to clearly demonstrate
that an alternative is not practicable, where a well-described
justification of the project's purpose and need would have clearly
established it. If an alternative does not satisfy the purpose and need
for the project, as a rule, it should not be included in the analysis as
an apparent reasonable alternative. There are times when an alternative
that is not reasonable is included based on the request of another
agency or due to public expectation. In such cases, it should be clearly
explained why the alternative is not reasonable (or prudent or
practicable), why it is being analyzed in detail and that because it is
not reasonable that it will not be selected. Other useful information on
Alternatives Analysis can be found at: FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8a
(Courtesy of the FHWA Eastern Resource Center's Environmental Guidebook)
Forty Most Asked Questions Concerning CEQ's NEPA Regulations: The first
seven questions deal with various aspects of alternatives development,
analysis, and documentation. (Courtesy of the Council on Environmental
Quality's NEPANet)
Environmental Documents:
Preliminary engineering and environmental
studies of a wide range of alternatives. The objective is to reduce the
number of alternatives for more detailed study, and then, after
substantial and detailed studies, to select a preferred alternative. Altiplano
� High elevation plateau, basin, or valley between even higher
mountain ranges. In the Andes Mountains of South America altiplanos lie
at 10,000 feet and even higher). Altitudinal
Zonation � Altitudinal variations (mountains) in tropical areas have a
significant impact on the local climate resulting in climatic zones that
correspond with elevation. Each zone has its distinctive climate,
vegetation, agriculture, and therefore lifestyles. ALU
� Adjacent Land Use ALU
� Aquatic Life Uses ALUAS � Aquatic Life Use Attainment Status (EPA) ALUT � Agricultural Land Use Trends ALV
� Agricultural Land Valuation ALVA
� Alliance for Learning and Vision for underrepresented Americans Alvar
� Naturally open areas of thin soil over limestone or marble bedrock,
which host a distinctive vegetation community -- including a
considerable number of rare plants.
2. A plant community dominated by
mosses and herbs, occurring on shallow, alkaline limestone soils.
3. Rare landscape on glaciated horizontal
limestone or dolomite bedrock along the Great Lakes shoreline. Alvars
are populated by drought-resistant calcium-loving plant species
(combination of boreal and prairie species), which are maintained in an
open state by drought, wave action and ice formation. These factors
retard soil accumulation and the growth of woody species. � Great
Lakes glossary Alvusion
� A sudden or perceptible change in a river's margin, such as a change
in course or loss of banks due to flooding. - USGS ALW
� Alpine Lakes Wilderness ALWT
� At Least We Tried AM
� Accuracy in Media AM
� Alternative Medicine AM
� Ambient Monitoring AM
� Anger Management AM
� Appropriate Management AM
� Areal Management AM � Asset Management AM � Atmospheric Moisture AMA � Active Management Area AMA � Adaptive Management Area (ESA habitat) AMA
� Alaska Miners Association
� American Medical Association AMA
� American Motorcycle Association AMA
� Arizona Mining Association AMA
� Aquatic Managed Areas Amber
box policies � An expression that developed during the GATT (General
Agreement on Trade and Tariffs) trade negotiations using a traffic light
analogy to rank policies. The traffic light analogy was that an amber
policy be subject to careful review and reduction over time. Amber box
policies include policies such as market price support, direct payments,
and input subsidies. Developed countries agreed to reduce amber box
support as measured by their Aggregate Measure of Support (AMS) by 20
percent from a ceiling calculated as their average annual level of
overall support provided in the base years, 1986-88. � USDA-Economic
Research Service Farm and Commodity Policy Glossary of Policy Terms Ambient � Surrounding on all sides; encompassing. � U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
2. Environmental or surrounding
3. Surrounding; usually in reference to
existing environmental conditions. For example, ambient water quality
would refer to the current water quality conditions in the lake. �
Great Lakes glossary 4. Surrounding natural conditions or environment at
a given place and time. Ambient
(air) � The surrounding atmospheric conditions to which the general
public has access. � McGregor Range Draft Resource Management Plan
Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement, Prepared for United States
Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces (New
Mexico) Field Office, January 2005.
(DOI/BLM) Glossary
(Pages 259-268 of 282) Ambient Air Pollutants � Pollutants for which ambient air quality standards have been developed. (40 CFR 50.4- 50.12.) These pollutants include nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone precursors, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and lead. � Glossary is a feature of Know Net, a knowledge management, e-learning and performance support system sponsored by the Government of the United States of America. Know Net can be accessed at Ambient air
quality standards (AAQSs) � Standards required by the Federal Clean Air Act and
enforced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that protect public
health, provide for the most sensitive individuals, and allow a margin
of safety by setting an acceptable level for measured pollutant
concentrations. AAQSs cannot take into account the cost of achieving the
standards. � U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report and
Environmental Impact Statement, Chapter 10, Glossary Ambient
Toxicity � A measurement made using a standard toxicity test to
determine how toxic a natural water body is. In some cases a water body
may already possess some degree of toxicity before a known pollutant is
discharged into it. � Great Lakes glossary AMC
� American Mining Congress AMC
� Appalachian Mountain Club AMCAI
� Air Movement & Control Association International, Inc. AMD
� Acid mine drainage AME
� Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters AME
� Aquatic Microbial Ecology AME
� Association for Manufacturing Excellence AMEDRR � Assessment, Monitoring, Early Detection and Rapid Response
(The Great Lakes Regional Collaboration) Ameliorate
� To make a situation better or more tolerable. � NPS Ecology and
Restoration Glossary Amend
or Amendment � Any repeal, modification, or addition to a regulation;
any new regulation; any change in the number, shape, boundary, or area
of a district, or any repeal or abolition of any map, part thereof, or
addition thereto.
Amendment � The term "amendment" refers to the formal
alteration of treaty provisions affecting all the parties to the
particular agreement. Such alterations must be effected with the same
formalities that attended the original formation of the treaty. Many
multilateral treaties lay down specific requirements to be satisfied for
amendments to be adopted. In the absence of such provisions, amendments
require the consent of all the parties. [Art.40, Vienna Convention of
the Law of Treaties 1969] (UN) Amenity
Values � Resource use
for which market values (or proxy values) are not or cannot be
established. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
2. Those natural or physical qualities and
characteristics of an area that contribute to people's appreciation of
its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational
attributes. � The Resource Management Act of 1991 (RMA) The
American Antiquities Act of 1906 (also known as the Antiquities Act of
1906) � This Act, originally designed to preserve cultural artifacts,
has had an impact on mineral development by removing land from access by
mining interests (U.S. National Park Service, 2000a�). A recent example
was the Executive Order (citing the authority of the Antiquities Act)
establishing the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah,
which appears to preclude the development of very low sulfur coal
located there (U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2001�). American
Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S.382, 442 � "It is
not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into
error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from
falling into error." � U.S. Supreme Court American Heritage Rivers Initiative �
The American Heritage Rivers Initiative is an innovative response to
help river communities that seek federal assistance and other resources
to meet some tough challenges. Without any new regulations on private
property owners, state, local and tribal governments, the American
Heritage Rivers initiative is about making more efficient and effective
use of existing federal resources, cutting red-tape, and lending a
helping hand, and was announced in 1997. It was said to require neither
new legislation nor any new appropriation. Its purpose was simply to
recognize selected rivers as "American Heritage Rivers" that
would be governed by a stakeholders� council that would be assigned a
federal employee called a "River Navigator." One of the
objectives of the program is to designate buffer zones on either side of
the river, which would be controlled by the stakeholders� council
rather than by the landowner. See Executive Order 13061. American
Indian � A member of any tribe, band, nation or other organized group
or community of Indians, which is recognized by the United States. �
National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service) American
Indian off-reservation trust land � The United States holds title for
specific area in trust for the benefit of an American Indian tribe
(tribal trust land) or for an individual American Indian (individual
trust land). Although trust land may be located on or off a reservation,
the U.S. Census Bureau recognizes and tabulates data only for
off-reservation trust land. Census data always associate off-reservation
trust land with a specific federally recognized reservation and/or
tribal government. See American Indian reservation, American Indian
trust land. � United States Census 2000, Geographic Changes for Census
2000 + Glossary American
Indian Religious Freedom Act (1978) � Directs agencies to consult with
native traditional religious leaders to determine appropriate policy
changes necessary to protect and preserve Native American religious
cultural rights and practices. American
Indian reservation � A federal American Indian reservation is an area
that has been set aside by the United States for the use of one or more
federally recognized American Indian tribes. Together with
off-reservation trust land, a reservation covers territory over which
one or more tribes have primary governmental authority. The boundary of
a federal reservation is defined by tribal treaty, agreement, executive
or secretarial order, federal statute, or judicial determination. A
state American Indian reservation is an area that a state government has
allocated to a tribe recognized by that state, but not by the federal
government. American Indian reservations are known as colonies,
communities, Indian communities, Indian villages, pueblos, rancherias,
ranches, reservations, reserves, and villages. See American Indian
off-reservation trust land, American Indian tribal subdivision, American
Indian trust land, joint use area. � United States Census 2000,
Geographic Changes for Census 2000 + Glossary American
Indian tribal subdivision � A legal subdivision of a federally
recognized American Indian reservation, off-reservation trust land, or
Oklahoma tribal statistical area. These entities are internal units of
self-government or administration that serve social, cultural, and/or
economic purposes for American Indians living on a reservation,
off-reservation trust land, or Oklahoma tribal statistical area. Tribal
subdivisions are known as areas, chapters, communities, districts, and
segments. The U.S. Census Bureau previously provided unpublished data
for these entities for the 1980 census, which referred to them as
American Indian sub-reservation areas. � United States Census 2000,
Geographic Changes for Census 2000 + Glossary American
Indian trust land � An area for which the United States holds title in
trust for the benefit of an American Indian tribe (tribal trust land) or
for an individual American Indian (individual trust land). Trust land
may be located on or off a reservation; however, the U.S. Census Bureau
recognizes and tabulates data only for off-reservation trust land. See
American Indian off-reservation trust land, Hawaiian homeland. �
United States Census 2000, Geographic Changes for Census 2000 + Glossary American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
� A private not-for-profit federation of independent organizations
which the private sector voluntary standards system in the United
States. The Institute establishes procedures for the development and
coordination of standards in a wide array of industries, ranging from
information technology to building construction. ANSI serves as the
official U.S. representative to the International Organization for
Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission. ANSI
was established in 1918; headquarters are located in New York City. American
Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) � A seven-bit code
standard adopted to facilitate data interchange between computers and
operating systems. These codes represent alphanumerics and special
characters (for example, $, /, ?, !). - USDA glossary American Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
� American rivers designated as "scenic," under the American
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, are controlled,
ultimately by the federal government, including private property that
fronts the river. Landowners are denied the use of their own property by
the federal government without compensation or recourse. The
American Wildlife Enhancement Act of 2001 (S. 990), introduced by
Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) on June 6, 2001, provides an authorization for
$350 million to the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Program as
well as three other wildlife related conservation titles. It passed out
of the EPW Committee by voice vote on November 8 and passed the Senate
by Unanimous Consent on December 20, 2001. Cosponsors: Senators Baucus
(D-MT), Bond (R-MO), Carnahan (D-MO), Chafee (R-RI), Cleland (D-GA),
Corzine (D-NJ), Crapo (R-ID), Dayton (D-MN), DeWine (R-OH), Graham
(D-FL), Jeffords (I-VT, chairman of the Environment and Public Works
Committee), Johnson (D-SD), Landrieu (D-LA), Leahy (D-VT), Lieberman
(D-CT), Lincoln (D-AR), Miller (D-GA), Reid (D-NV), Voinovich (R-OH),
and Warner (R-VA). Title I authorizes an appropriation of $350 million
for vitally needed state fish and wildlife conservation and related
recreation and education programs. The funds will be funneled through
the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account, available to each
state and territory through a sub-account of the Pittman-Robertson Act.
Title II amends the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to establish a
competitive matching grant fund of $150 million that allows private
landowners to apply for financial assistance for conservation of
endangered or threatened species on their property. Title III amends the
Partnerships for Wildlife Act to establish a $50 million grants program
that would allow states to protect areas of regional or national
significance through easements or acquisition. Title IV amends the
Partnerships for Wildlife Act to establish a $50 million conservation
assistance program for the conservation and restoration of historic
shrublands and grasslands for the benefit of endangered, and threatened
species, and species at risk. American
Wood-Preservers� Association (AWPA) � An international, nonprofit
technical organization founded to provide a common forum for the
exchange of information for all segments of the wood preservation
industry. As the principal standards writing organization for the wood
treating industry in the United States, AWPA has significant influence
internationally as well. � EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Glossary American
Wood Preservers Institute (AWPI) � The association representing the
treated wood industry. Members include wood treaters, preservative
manufacturers, and supporting members supplying goods and services. AWPI
provides a forum for its members to address issues affecting the
industry�s ability to manufacture and market safe and useful treated
wood products. � EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Glossary Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) � The Americans with Disabilities
Act is a Federal law providing civil rights protections to individuals
with disabilities, requiring accessible public transportation services
and/or facilities along highways, trails, sidewalks and other public
settings. America's
Byways [trademark] � Brand name used to identify a collection of
distinct and diverse roads, designated by the U.S. Secretary of
Transportation. The collection is made up of 96 routes in thirty-nine
states designated across the country based on their archeological,
cultural, historic, natural, recreational or scenic qualities. AMF
� Ambrose Monell Foundation AMFP
� Association of Mining Financial Professionals AMIBA � American Independent Business Alliance AMIF � American Meat Institute Foundation AMIGOS � Arizona Mining Industry Gets Our Support Amigos � See Amigos of Costa Rica Amigos of Costa Rica � �Amigos of Costa Rica� is a non-profit organization, created in the United States of America for the exclusive purpose of transferring funds from American contributors to support the efforts of the CR-USA Foundation and its initiatives. �Amigos of Costa Rica" only receives contributions to support programs and projects approved by the CR-USA Foundation. In this regard, in the year 2000, it was granted category 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States, permitting American individuals and organizations to deduct these donations from their taxes. More: AML � Abandoned Mine Lands AML � Abandoned Mined Land(s) AML � Appropriate Management Level AMLP
� The Abandoned Mine Lands Program AMLPP
� Abandoned Mineral Lands Partnership Project AMM
� Administering, Monitoring and Mitigating AMMA
� Australian Mines & Metals Association AMMEM
� American Memory. American Memory is a gateway to rich primary source
materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The
site offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100
historical collections. Ammoniacal
copper zinc arsenate (ACZA) � An inorganic arsenical; a waterborne
wood preservative with uses similar to those of CCA. � EPA Office of
Pesticide Programs Glossary Ammonium
� One form of nitrogen that is usable by plants. AMOB
� Alternative Marketing Options for Beef Amortisation
� Repayments of principal on a loan. Does not include interest
payments. - Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)
Glossary Amortization Period � Village of Valatie v. Lynette Smith (N.Y. State Court of Appeals, Justice Simons, 1994): " 'Amortization period' simply designates a period of time granted to owners of nonconforming uses during which they may phase out their operations as they see fit and make other arrangements. The test remains whether the period unreasonably inflicts a substantial loss on the owner or fails to comport to the reasonableness required by due process. Amortization periods have never been mandatory as a matter of constitutional law." - Zoning (Case Law) Glossary AMP � Adaptive Management Plan AMP � Adaptive management process (USGS) AMP � Adaptive Management Program AMP � Allotment Management Plan (DOI/BLM) AMP
� Annual Maintenance Payments AMP
� Appropriate Management Prescription AMPA
� Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Amperometric titration � A means of measuring concentrations of certain substances in water (such as strong oxidizers) based on the electric current that flows during a chemical reaction. See titrate. Amphibian � Vertebrate animals that have life stages both in water and on land (e.g. salamanders, frogs, and toads). Animals capable of living either in water or on land. Amphidromous � Referring to the migratory behavior of fishes moving from fresh water to the sea and vice versa, not for breeding purposes but occurring regularly at some stage of the life cycle (such as feeding or overwintering). Amphipod � Any of a large order of small, usually aquatic crustaceans with a laterally compressed body, for example, beach fleas. AMRAT � Alabama-Mississippi Rapid Assessment Team AMS � Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA) AMS � Alternative Management Strategies AMS � The Analysis of the Management Situation AMSA � Area which Merits Special Attention AMSA
� Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies AMSL
� Above Mean Sea Level AMT � Alternative Minimum Tax (no deductions) AMTA � Agricultural Market Transition Act AMTIC � Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center, EPA � AMWA
� Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies AMZ
� Areal Management Zone(s) ANA
� Access Native America � The
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Education Programs Anabranch
� A diverging branch of a river, which reenters the mainstream. �
USGS Anadromous
� Referring to the life cycle of fishes, such as salmon, in which
adults travel upriver from the sea to breed, usually returning to the
area where they were born. Anadromous
Fish � Fish, such as salmon or steelhead trout, that hatch in fresh water, migrate
to and mature in the ocean, and return to fresh water as adults to
spawn. � U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower
Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report and
Environmental Impact Statement, Chapter 10, Glossary Anaerobic
� A situation in which molecular oxygen is absent from the
environment. 2. Growing in the absence of molecular oxygen (such as
anaerobic bacteria). 3. Occurring in the absence of molecular oxygen (as
a biochemical process). Anadromous
Fish � Fish that are
born and rear in freshwater, move to the ocean to grow and mature, and
return to freshwater to reproduce. Salmon, steelhead, and shad are
examples. �
The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary
2. Species of fish that mature in the
sea and migrate into streams to spawn. � Umatilla National Forest
(Washington/Oregon) Anaerobic
� A condition in which
"free" (atmospheric) or dissolved oxygen is NOT present in
2. Referring to an environment in which oxygen is absent, or to a
process which occurs only in the absence of oxygen, or to an organism
which lives, is active, or occurs in the absence of oxygen, such as some
yeasts or bacteria.
3. A term that describes processes that occur
in the absence of molecular oxygen. See "anoxia." � Great
Lakes glossary Analysis
� The examination of existing and/or recommended management needs and
their relationships to discover and display the outputs, benefits,
effects, and consequences of initiating a proposed action. . � McGregor Range Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and
Environmental Impact Statement, Prepared for United States Department of
the Interior Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces (New Mexico) Field
Office, January 2005.
(DOI/BLM) Glossary
(Pages 259-268 of 282) Analysis
Area � One or more
capability areas combined for the purpose of analysis in formulating
alternatives and establishing various impacts and effects. � National
Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
2. The area that bounds the analysis for a
particular resource and/or issue. It may be confused with the Project
Area, which is the area within which the proposed activities are limited
to. Analysis of the Management Situation
(AMS) � A
determination of the ability of a planning area to supply goods and
services in response to society�s demands for those goods and
services. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
2. A document that summarizes important
information about existing
resource conditions, uses and demands, as well as existing management
activities. It provides the baseline for subsequent steps in the
planning process, such as the design of alternatives and affected
environment. � The Forest Ecosystem Management
Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary Analytical Watershed � For
planning purposes, a drainage basin subdivision used for analyzing
cumulative impacts on resources. � The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary
2. For planning purposes, a major drainage
basin subdivision of the planning area used for analyzing watershed condition. (BLM) ANAM
� Panama�s National Environment Authority ANC � Acid Neutralizing Capacity Anchor ice � Ice in the bed of a stream or upon a submerged body or structure. (See Schaefer, V. J., 1950, p. 888.) � USGS Anchor
Tenant (related to public-private partnerships) � An anchor tenant is
the major tenant that attracts or generates traffic within a commercial
operation. Anchor tenants are strategically placed to maximize business
for all tenants. The type of anchor tenant depends on the type of
commercial activity. � General Accounting Office (GAO) Public-Private
Partnerships Glossary Ancillary
� Aiding or subordinate. Ancillary
� A dependent structure, often but not always small in scale;
associated hierarchically with a primary structure; often found in
clusters with other dependent structures � NPS Architecture,
Fortifications, and Preservation glossary ANCSA
� Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act (1972) Andean
Group � Formed as the Andean Pact in 1969 but restarted in 1995 as a
far more effective customers
union with common tariffs for imports, its members are Venezuela,
Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Andes � Major mountain range in South America, which passes through seven countries. � UNEP Children's Glossary ANDI � African Nutrition Database Initiative ANEP � The Association of National Estuary Programs � ANEP's Habitat Loss Technology Transfer website database: Innovative Characterization and Management Approaches Across the NEP Experience. Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds Coastal Habitat Protection Plans. Category: Submerged, Intertidal, Wetland, and Upland. Cost: Information not provided. Description: As part of the Fisheries Reform Act of 1997, the N.C. General Assembly required the Coastal Resources Commission, Marine Fisheries Commission and Environmental Management Commission to approve plans to help protect and restore resources critical to North Carolina's commercial and recreational fisheries. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is developing the plans, which must protect habitats including wetlands, spawning areas, threatened and endangered species habitat, primary and secondary nursery areas, shellfish beds, submerged aquatic vegetation and Outstanding Resource Waters. The Act directs the three commissions to adopt rules to implement Coastal Habitat Protection Plans (CHPP). They also must ensure to the maximum extent practicable that, in carrying out their powers and duties, they act in a manner consistent with the adopted plans. The Divisions of Marine Fisheries, Coastal Management and Water Quality, along with the Wetlands Restoration Program, Wildlife Resources Commission and Shellfish Sanitation Program, have established a CHPP Development Team. Outcome: The team will develop plans for 11 different areas, or management units: Coastal Ocean, Chowan River, Southern Estuaries, Tar-Pamlico River, Roanoke River, New/White Oak rivers, Albemarle Sound, Core/Bogue Sounds, Neuse River, Pamlico Sound and Cape Fear River. Each plan will include habitat mapping, status and trends, threats, and a cumulative impact analysis. The plans also will recommend research needs and management actions that state regulatory agencies need to take to protect and restore habitat. All plans will be completed by July 2003, and then reviewed and updated every five years. The CHPP team currently is preparing draft plans for the Chowan River basin and the Coastal Ocean (the state's coastal waters extending from the beach out three miles). Public meetings on the two plans were held in the spring, and the development team should present draft plans to the three commissions in January. Prior to the three commissions' review of CHPPs, draft plans will be reviewed by the Intercommission Review Committee (IRC). Current members of the IRC are Barbara Garrity-Blake and Willy Phillips from the Marine Fisheries Commission, Pricey Taylor Harrison and David Beresoff from the Coastal Resources Commission, and Will Fowler and Pete Peterson from the Environmental Management Commission. The IRC may, by consensus, revise a plan before submitting it to the Marine Fisheries Commission, Coastal Resources Commission and Environmental Management Commission. Contact: Mike Street, NC Division of Marine Fisheries, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, NC, 28557, 252-726-7021, 800-682-2632 (in N.C. only), [email protected] Citation:, /habitat/chpp1.htm and ANF
� Allegheny National Forest (Pennsylvania) ANFA
� Allegheny National Forest Area (Pennsylvania) Angler
Day � The time spent fishing by one person for any part of a day. ANICA
� Atmospheric Nutrient Input to Coastal Areas
� Any member of the animal kingdom including multi-cellular marine
organisms, worms, insects, spiders, crustaceans, fish, amphibians,
reptiles, birds, and mammals. - NPS Ecology and Restoration Glossary Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
� An USDA agency established to conduct inspections and regulatory and
control programs to protect animal and plant health. It utilizes
border inspections to prevent international transmission of pests and
disease, administers quarantine and eradication programs, and certifies
that U.S. exports meet importing countries' animal and plant health
standards. Animal
Damage � Physical
damage to forest tree seed, seedlings, and young trees through seed
foraging, browsing, cutting, rubbing, or trampling, by mammals and
birds. �
The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT)
Chapter 9 Glossary
2. Injuries inflicted upon forest tree seed,
seedlings, and young trees through seed foraging, browsing, cutting,
rubbing, or trampling; usually by mammals and birds. (BLM-DOI) Animal
Damage Control (ADC) Program � An Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service program to protect
agriculture, natural resources, property or endangered species from
unwanted and potentially harmful effects of wildlife species, including
predators. ADC also works to
prevent wildlife/airplane collision hazards at civilian and military
airports. Animal Identification and Traceback � Currently,
the private marketing system, assisted by computerization of records,
generally can trace the products back to their original suppliers,
although not necessarily all the way to the farm. It has been suggested
that a type of traceback program might be formalized to better monitor
and contain outbreaks of foodborne illness. USDA has called 'animal
identification' an important element of any traceback system. Livestock
producers already frequently identify their animals using back-tags, ear
tags, tattoos, and other devices, so that incorporating animal
identification into a traceback program might not be difficult. While
few dispute the usefulness of animal identification and traceback
systems in general, whether they should be made regulatory requirements,
or remain voluntary, is a contentious issue. Animal-Month
� A month�s tenure upon the rangeland by one animal. Must specify
kind and class of animal. Not synonymous with animal unit month (AUM).
� National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service) Animal
Protein � Protein used in livestock feed that is derived from
meatpacking or rendering plants, surplus milk or milk products, and
marine sources. Animal
Unit � A unit of measure for rangeland livestock equivalent to one
mature cow or five sheep or fie goats, all over 6 months of age. An
animal unit is based on average daily forage consumption of 26 pounds of
dry matter per day. � BLM Rangeland Program Glossary
2. A unit of measurement for any animal feeding operation calculated by
adding the following numbers: the number of slaughter and feeder cattle
multiplied by 1.0, plus the number of mature dairy cattle multiplied by
1.4, plus the number of swine weighing over 25 kilograms (approximately
55 pounds) multiplied by 0.4, plus the number of sheep multiplied by
0.1, plus the number of horses multiplied by 2.0 (40 CFR Part 122,
Appendix B). - EPA�s Management Measures for Agricultural Sources
3. Considered to be a mature 1,000-pound cow or the equivalent based
upon average daily forage consumption of 26 pounds dry matter per day.
� National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
4. A unit of measure for rangeland livestock
equivalent to the land required to support one mature cow, or five sheep
or five goats, all over 6 months of age. An animal unit is based on
average daily forage consumption of 26 pounds of dry matter per day. A
standard measure, based on feed requirements, used to combine various
classes of livestock according to size, weight, age, and use. For federal lands, an animal unit represents one mature cow, bull, steer,
heifer, horse, mule, or five sheep, or five goats, all over six months
of age. An animal unit month (AUM) is the amount of forage needed to
sustain one animal unit, or its equivalent, for one month. Grazing
fees for federal lands are charged by animal unit months or head-months.
A unit of measure developed to compare differences in the amount of
manure produced by species. One
animal unit is standardized as the amount of manure produced on a
regular basis by a slaughter steer or heifer. Animal Unit Month (AUM) � The amount of forage needed to sustain one cow, five sheep, or five goats for a month. A full AUMs fee is charged for each month of grazing by adult animals if the grazing animal (1) is weaned, (2) is 6 months old or older when entering public land, or (3) will become 12 months old during the period of use. For fee purposes, an AUM is the amount of forage used by five weaned or adult sheep or goats or one cow, bull, steer, heifer, horse, or mule. The term AUM is commonly used in three ways: (1) stocking rate as in X acres per AUM, (b) forage allocation as in X AUMs in allotment A, and (3) utilization as in X AUMs consumed from Unit B. � BLM Rangeland Program Glossary 2. The amount of forage to sustain one mature cow or the equivalent, based on an average daily forage consumption of 26 pounds of dry matter per day. The equivalent animal units for other ungulate species, based on a weight conversion (3 percent body weight per day), are: 10.5 for antelope; 7.6, deer; 2.1, elk; 1.2, moose; 0.9, wild horses; and 5.2, sheep. � Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Pit 14 Coal Lease-by-Application, DOI/BLM (pages 15-18 of 18) 3. The quantity of forage required by the equivalent of a 1000-pound mature cow for one month. /ea/glossary.pdf
4. A measure of average monthly stocking rate that is the tenure of one
animal unit for a period of 1 month. With respect to the literature
reviewed for the grazing management measure, an animal unit is a mature,
1,000-pound cow or the equivalent based on average daily forage
consumption of 26 pounds of dry matter per day (Platts, 1990).
Alternatively, an AUM is the amount of forage that is required to
maintain a mature, 1,000-pound cow or the equivalent for a one-month
period. See animal unit for the NPDES definition. - EPA�s Management
Measures for Agricultural Sources Glossary
5. The amount of feed or forage required by an animal-unit for one
month. � National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service)
6. The amount of forage necessary for the sustenance of one cow or its
equivalent for 1 month. � The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team
Chapter 9 Glossary
7. The unit of measure of the feed required for an animal on the range
for one month, generally 800 pounds of air-dried forage. � Umatilla
National Forest (Washington/Oregon)
8. The quantity of forage required by one
mature cow and her calf (or the equivalent, in sheep or horses, for
instance) for one month. The amount of forage needed to sustain one cow,
five sheep, or five goats for a month. In the U.S., a full AUM's fee is
charged for each month of grazing by adult animals if the grazing animal
(1) is weaned, (2) is 6 months old or older when entering public land,
or (3) will become 12 months old during the period of use. 3. The amount
of forage required to sustain the equivalent of 1 cow for 1 month; 1
wild horse for 1 month; or 5 sheep for 1 month; 8.9 deer for 1 month
(winter season), 5.8 deer for 1 month (summer season); 9.6 antelope for
1 month; 5.5 bighorn sheep for 1 month; 2.2 burros for 1 month; 1.2 elk
for 1 month (winter season) or 2.1 elk for 1 month (yearlong) (usually
800 lbs. of useable air-dried forage). � BLM (DOI) Grand Escalante
Staircase National Monument DEIS Glossary Animal
Welfare Act � Public Law 89-544 (August 24, 1966) was enacted to curb
the theft and mistreatment of dogs and cats for experimental and
research purposes. The principal federal animal protection law, it has
been amended several times to address specific concerns such as the
shipping of pets on public transportation, dog fighting, and using other
warm-blooded animals in biomedical experiments. Although administered by
USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the law has always
excluded farm animals from its coverage. Generally, USDA is authorized
to 'promulgate standards to govern the humane handling, care, treatment,
and practices in experimental procedures to ensure that animal pain and
distress are minimized...' The law excludes from the definition of
animal '...horses not used for research purposes and other farm animals,
such as, but not limited to livestock or poultry, used or intended for
use as food or fiber, or livestock or poultry used or intended for use
for improving animal nutrition, breeding, management, or production
efficiency, or for improving the quality of food or fiber.' Animal
welfare has become more controversial in recent years, as certain animal
protection groups have argued for more extensive legal protections for
animals. Some groups believe that any human uses of animals are
inhumane, unethical and/or immoral, and should be prohibited. Among
those who accept the premise that humans should and will use animals for
food and other necessities, the debate over the meaning of animal
welfare revolves around the most appropriate methods for taking care of
animals, including farm animals. For example, legislation has been
proposed (but not enacted) in recent years that would intervene in
animal production operations by regulating confinement facilities;
determining the diets of veal calves; specifying how poultry must be
slaughtered; and prohibiting dealers from handling non-ambulatory
(downer) livestock unless they are humanely killed. ANILCA
� Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 Anion
Exchange � Replacement by an anion in solution for an absorbed anion
of positively charged sites of a solid. Anionic
polymer � A polymer having negatively charged groups of ions; often
used as a filter aid and for dewatering sludges. ANL
� Argonne National Laboratory (EPA partner in glossary preparation) Annelids
� Any of a phylum (Annelida) of usually elongated, segmented coelomate
invertebrates, such as earthworms, various marine worms, and leeches. Annex � "Annex" means any of the Annexes to this Agreement,
each of which is attached to and forms and integral part of this
Agreement. Annosus
root disease � Annosus root disease is a widespread native fungus. In
pines, the fungus spreads through the root system, attacking and killing
the inner bark and sapwood. Within two to six years after initial
infection, the fungus reaches the root crown and girdles the tree. The
tree dies, but the fungus remains active as a saprophytic wood-decaying
organism within roots and the butt of the dead tree. Pines weakened by
annosus root disease are often killed by bark beetles. Incense-cedars,
however, are not affected by beetles and will stand green for many
years, until the disease finally weakens the structure enough to cause
failure. Cedars are thought to act as a reservoir for annosus root
disease because they take so long to die. � Yosemite National Park,
Merced Wild and Scenic River Revised Comprehensive Management Plan and
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Chapter VIII:
Glossary Annual
corridorwide visitation limit � Represents the annual visitation limit
for the entire Merced River corridor. The annual limits as proposed in
Alternatives 3 and 4 of the Revised Merced River Plan/SEIS have been
established to ensure that the daily segment and management zone limits
are not reached on the majority of days in a year. Based on information
gathered through the VERP program, the proposed annual corridorwide
visitation limits can be increased or decreased based on the condition
of the Outstandingly Remarkable Values. � Yosemite National Park,
Merced Wild and Scenic River Revised Comprehensive Management Plan and
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Chapter VIII:
Glossary Annual
demand � Total yearly amount of water required for irrigation,
domestic, or industrial use, usually expressed in a volume (acre-feet).
� U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Glossary Annual
Goal � Annual Goal is a one-year increment of the long-term goal. It
contains a targeted level of performance to be achieved for a particular
year. It is to be expressed in an objective, quantifiable, and
measurable form. OMB approval of an alternative form of evaluating the
success of a program is required if the annual goal cannot be expressed
in an objective or quantifiable manner. � DOI/USFWS Performance
Measures and Verification Exhibit B
See also Long-Term Goals. Annual
flood � The highest peak discharge in a water year. � USGS Annual
flood series � A list of annual floods. - USGS Annual
Growth � The amount of new plant biomass produced per year, usually
measured as above-ground production. � NPS Ecology and Restoration
Glossary Annual
Performance Plan (APP) � A plan that documents a park�s annual
performance goals and the budget and staffing needed to achieve those
goals. The Government Performance and Results Act requires the National
Park Service to submit an annual performance plan for the agency as a
whole, and individual park plans contribute information to the agency
plan. (DOI/NPS) Annual
Performance Report � A report that describes how well a park did in
meeting its annual performance goals. The Government Performance and
Results Act requires the National Park Service to submit an annual
report for the agency as a whole, and individual park reports contribute
information to the agency report. (DOI/NPS) Annual
Plant � A plant that completes its life cycle and dies in 1 year or
less. � BLM Rangeland
Program Glossary
and National Grassland Plan (USDA Forest Service) Annual
Plant Series � A plant that completes its life cycle and dies in 1
year or less. � BLM Annual
Report Card � A document produced annually by the RECOVER Leadership
Group as a means of informing the public on the progress being made
toward meeting the goals and targets of the Comprehensive Plan. �
Everglades Plan glossary Annual
Vegetation � Plants that complete their life cycles and die in 1 year
or less. � BLM Surface Mgmt. Regs. Annuals
� Plants that display germination and rapid growth in wet seasons,
quickly flower and produce seeds, and then wither. The success of this
life form lies in the seeds, which often lie dormant until the next wet
season. � NPS Ecology and Restoration Glossary Anoxia
� A condition where dissolved oxygen in the water column is totally
depleted. The absence of oxygen or a deficiency of oxygen that is
harmful to living organisms. Anoxic conditions can develop in a lake
bottom when oxygen is depleted by decomposition processes. This often
happens in eutrophic lakes and can result in fish kills. See
"anaerobic." � Great Lakes glossary Anoxic
� Greatly deficient in oxygen; oxygenless. ANP
� Acadia National Park (Maine) ANP � Americans for National Parks ANPR � Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Federal Register) ANPR � The Association of National Park Rangers ANPRM � Advance Notive of Proposed Rulemaking ANR � Abuse of Natural Resources ANR � Approval Not Required ANS � American Name Society ANS � American Nuclear Society ANS � Aquatic Nuisance Species ANSEA - Analytical Strategic Environmental Assessment (UN) See: SEA. ANSI � American National Standards Institute ANSI �
Area of Natural and Scientific Interest, defined by the Ontario Ministry
of Natural Resources to represent the earth or life science features of
a site district.
and$.startup ANST
� Appalachian National Scenic Trail ANSTF � Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Antecedent Flood � A flood or series of floods assumed to occur prior to
the occurrence of an inflow design flood. Antecedent
precipitation index � An index of moisture stored within a drainage
basin before a storm. (Linsley and others, 1949, p. 414.) � USGS Ante-mortem
� Before slaughter. As used in the meat and poultry inspection
program, the term refers to the examination that USDA meat inspectors
are required to conduct of all live animals just before they are killed.
Anthropocentric � Of,
relating to, or resulting from the influence of humans on nature.
2. Looking at life from a human perspective. Anthropogenic � Human-created. Anthropogenic
� Relating to the scientific study of the origin of human beings and
the results of their influence on nature. - USDA glossary Anthropogenic
� Refers
to the effects of human activities. � "DEIS for EFH for the Gulf
of Mexico FMPs" � Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the
Generic Essential Fish Habitat Amendment to the following fishery
management plans for the Gulf of Mexico (GOM): Shrimp Fishery of the
Gulf of Mexico; Red Drum Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Reef Fish
Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Stone Crab Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico;
Coral and Coral Reef Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Spiny Lobster
Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; and the Coastal
Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic.
This is a publication of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No.
NA17FC102. %20Gulf%20EFH%20EIS%20703.pdf
(pages 9-13 of 654) 2.
Of man-made origin, not occurring naturally; human-caused or derived.
Effects or processes that are derived from human activities, as opposed
to natural effects or processes that occur in the environment without
human influence. � Great Lakes glossary ANTI
� Antietam National Battlefield � See National Capital Region
Network Anti-Backsliding
� A federal policy to ensure that water bodies that have been improved
are kept at that higher quality. Point source dischargers are required
by governments to meet effluent limits, but if discharges become
cleaner, or fall below the limit, they are not allowed to go up again.
Relaxation of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit
limits are not allowed except in certain, limited circumstances. �
Great Lakes glossary Anti-Degradation
� A federal policy to protect water quality. The policy states that
the existing high quality of a particular water resource cannot get
worse unless justified by economic and social development
considerations. Contained in the U.S. Water Quality Guidance for the
Great Lakes System. Also see "Clean Water Act." � Great
Lakes glossary Anticline
� A fold in rocks that curves upward in a convex way. Anticyclonic
� Referring to an area or system of high atmospheric pressure having a
characteristic pattern of air circulation, which usually induces settled
weather conditions. Light winds flow clockwise in the northern
hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. Antidumping
duty � A duty or levy imposed under authority of Title VII of the U.S.
Tariff Act of 1930. Title VII states that if the U.S. Department of
Commerce determines that an imported product is being sold at less than
its fair value, and if the U.S. International Trade Commission
determines that a U.S. producer is thereby being injured, the Commerce
Department shall apply antidumping duties equivalent to the dumping
margin. Antietam
National Battlefield (ANTI) � One of the11 parks that make up the
National Capital Region Network (NCRN) � The NCRN includes 11 parks
with significant natural resources including Antietam National
Battlefield (ANTI), Catoctin Mountain Park (CATO), Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal National Historical Park (CHOH), George Washington Memorial
Parkway (GWMP), Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (HAFE), Manassas
National Battlefield (MANA), Monocacy National Battlefield (MONO),
National Capital Parks East (NACE), Prince William Forest Park (PRWI),
Rock Creek Park (ROCR), and Wolf Trap Park for the Performing Arts (WOTR).
The NCRN also supports monitoring activities of National Mall and
Memorial Parks. � (DOI/NPS) Long-Term Monitoring Plan � National
Capital Region Network, September 30, 2005. Submitted by: Inventory and
Monitoring Program, National Capital Region Network, Center for Urban
Ecology, 4598 MacArthur Boulevard NW, Washington, D.C. 20007.
(Pages G-1 through G-8 - Glossary � or pages 150 through 156 of 156
pages) (Very Important Note: The URL for this pdf document is not a or such a government URL: it is a Nature Conservancy URL.) The Antiquities Act (1906) � Authorizes the scientific investigation of
antiquities on Federal land and provides penalties for unauthorized
removal of objects taken or collected without a permit. Antiquities Act of 1906 (PL 59-209; 16 USC 431 et seq.; 34 Stat. 225.) � The first general act providing protection for archeological resources. It protects all historic and prehistoric sites on Federal lands and prohibits excavation or destruction of such antiquities without the permission (Antiquities Permit) of the Secretary of the department, which has the jurisdiction over those lands. It also authorizes the President to declare areas of public lands as National Monuments and to reserve or accept private lands for that purpose. Applicable regulation is 43 CFR 3, Antiquities Act of 1906. ANWR � Artic National Wildlife Refuge ANZECC � The Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council ANZFA
Amendment Act � The Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Act
of 2001 ANZUS � Security Treaty Between the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, signed September 1, 1951. The Parties to this Treaty, Reaffirming their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all Governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in the Pacific Area, Noting that the United States already has arrangements pursuant to which its armed forces are stationed in the Philippines,(2) and has armed forces and administrative responsibilities in the Ryukyus, and upon the coming into force of the Japanese Peace Treaty may also station armed forces in and about Japan to assist in the preservation of peace and security in the Japan Area,(3) Recognizing that Australia and New Zealand as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations have military obligations outside as well as within the Pacific Area, Desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity, so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that any of them stand alone in the Pacific Area, and Desiring further to coordinate their efforts for collective defense for the preservation of peace and security pending the development of a more comprehensive system of regional security in the Pacific Area, Therefore declare and agree as follows: ARTICLE I: The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. ... ARTICLE VI: This Treaty does not affect and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Charter of the United Nations or the responsibility of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security. |