
'Road rage' surfaces in Jarbidge 12-29-03
Price of Protection - Endangered Species Act remains a dividing force in county 12-29-03
Goats shot to spare sheep from eye disease 12-23-03
Preble's mouse to stay on endangered list  12-19-03
Preble's mouse NOT a subspecies: DNA results 12-18-03
Developers File Suit Against DEP Volunteer 12-18-03
Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for Issuance of an Incidental Take Permit 12-12-03
Up In Smoke 12-12-03
As wolves return, kill tally rises 12-12-03
Canada acts to protect 1.3 billion acres of forest 12-12-03
Re: Your question, "Please tell me why you don't like wolves." 12-06-03
RAAPFAAP - Attn: RIN 1018-AT52 12-01-03
Senate OKs wilderness area 11-27-03
Program to Trap and Kill Key Largo Feral Cats 11-27-03
Drying and Damaging 11-23-03
Nature Conservancy taps wealth of Internet to buy hawk habitat  11-23-03
The Many Facets of The Endangered Species Act 11-23-03
[US] FWS Designates Critical Habitat for Threatened and Endangered Vernal Pool Species 11-23-03
Grazing foes win key case  11-10-03
Forest Service to scale back programs to pay for Utah fire 11-10-03
Re: 'Inmates on Fire Lines' 11-05-03
GAO report faults endangered species program 11-05-03
An Upstream Battle: Stepping up for salmon State rules 11-05-03
Greg Williams of Northwest Farm Credit Services tells Basin's current financial impacts from 2001 11-03-03
Bear Attack Leaves Two Dead in Alaska 11-03-03
Fiscal Year 2003 Refuge Land Acquisition 11-03-03
Refuges get $24 million Increase for FY04 11-03-03
Historic Maine bargain opens way for return of Atlantic salmon runs 11-03-03
Arizona forest fire timber being salvaged 11-03-03
Idaho Coalition calls for removal of reintroduced wolves 10-31-03
Federal agency to oppose motion filed by group 10-31-03
Three more gray wolves found dead in the West 10-30-03
Comments from Jim Beers and Bob Fanning, Jr., 10-29-03
Oregon Chosen As Setting for Wolf Lawsuit 10-29-03
Idaho Rancher Cries Wolf 10-29-03
Groups Move to Keep Wolf Recovery On Track 10-29-03
Group pushes feds to answer to plover challenge 10-25-03
Restricted water flow stops Mississippi barge traffic 10-25-03
Board wants Klamath dam removals considered 10-25-03
Armed and dangerous 10-24-03
The Endangered Species Act Comes to New York City 10-22-03
Snowy Plover "Nursery" Success Earns Resource Stewardship Award 10-22-03
Brigade meets at Snowslide trailhead 10-20-03
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants 10-17-03
Barge Industry Crucial to Illinois Economy 10-14-03
9th Circuit Court Affirms Lower Ruling In Washington's Methow Valley Irrigation District (MVID) Water Suit 10-12-03
Environmental Litigation Threatens Endangered Species 10-12-03
Bull trout settlement reached 10-12-03
Testimony tells story of farmers vs. fish 10-12-03
Agreement to protect more than 10,000 miles of West Coast rivers for 19 salmon and steelhead trout 10-08-03
Klamath Hardy-study flaws exposed by Western scientist 10-05-03
UC professor says government underestimates impact of habitat designation 10-05-03
Restricted water flow stops Mississippi barge traffic 9-30-03
Fish could get parts of Marine base for habitat 9-30-03
Resources Field Hearing on ESA will Examine 9-30-03
Ocelots endangered along Rio Grande 9-30-03
Black Bears in North America 9-30-03
Southwestern Sky Islands Ecosystems 9-30-03
Extinction? Calamity - or Opportunity? 9-30-03
Grant To Protect Santa Cruz Habitat 9-30-03
Coyotes and Turkeys and Bears, Oh My! 9-26-03
'Snakehead' Fish, Invasive Alien Species, Found In Wisconsin's Rock River 9-26-03
The salmon that never was 9-24-03
BuRec buys former feedyard for habitat 9-22-03
The Owl and the Animal Farm 9-22-03
There Is A Train Wreck In Our Future - Can We Avoid It? 9-22-03
Reforming the Endangered Species Act 9-22-03
Agencies ask for info on wolves 9-22-03
Unspoken Issues of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) 9-22-03
Cougars Stroll through the Show-Me State 9-19-03
Man reports seeing cougar on side of road 9-17-03
Environmental Litigation Threatens Endangered Species 9-17-03
Regarding Montana State Wolf 'Management' Plan 9-16-03
Too few answers given to questions about Klamath Basin fish issues 9-16-03
Montana: State releases wolf plan 9-16-03
Sierra Nevada Press Conference 9-09-03
Loomis Planning 9-09-03
An Interactive Biodiversity Information System for the Columbia River Basin 9-09-03
A Facade of Science 9-09-03
Wolf numbers 9-05-03
Wolf Letter to USFWS from Lawrence Krak 9-02-03
Irrigators Threaten Feds With Suit 8-30-03
Growing with less water 8-30-03
Resources Committee Schedule for Week of September 1st 8-29-03
Last Time Around 8-29-03
Wolves in Washakie County, Wyoming 8-28-03
Reforming the Endangered Species Act 8-27-03
Feds wade in too deep 8-20-03
Court of Appeals Upholds Key Salmon Protections in Washington 8-20-03
Off-road business group lodges formal complaint against Nevada BLM employees 8-20-03
Water for Wildlife 8-20-03
Federal appeals court says no protection for Northern Goshawk 8-20-03
Chub rescue was in 'nick of time' 8-20-03
As wolf packs grow, so does resentment 8-17-03
West Coast Communities Face Economic Devastation 8-17-03
Feds to help purchase nature area Texas 8-17-03
Fontana, Calif., Leaders Lobby in Washington for Resolution on Endangered Fly 8-17-03
Citizens: Cougars a problem 8-13-03
State Endangered Species Acts? Yep, from Wildlines, + RS2477 8-07-03
Owls, Reason off Endangered List 8-07-03
Service Designates Critical Habitat for Threatened and Endangered Vernal Pool Species 8-07-03
Silicon Valley Philanthropist Donates Land to National Wildlife Refuge on the Oregon Coast 8-07-03
Wildfires consume forestry funds 8-05-03
Coastal Commission to look at missile program 8-05-03
Hydro-Power Plants Attacked by our own US Fed and State Agencies 8-05-03
Beach Access Limited; Plovers Move in 8-05-03
Regarding Wildlands Project legislation 8-04-03
Fewer permits planned for winter hunt of Yellowstone elk 8-01-03
Commissioners OK plan that could start handover of Estates roads 8-01-03
Mountain lion kills pets and livestock 8-01-03
Famous Hamptons Pond Illegally Drained 8-01-03
Judge lifts injunctions banning tree-cutting in East Texas 7-30-03
Naches Dam Removal in WA State - The rest of the story 7-25-03
Cougar Attacks Colt - Twentieth Attack On Kretz Property 7-25-03
WSP employee crash under investigation 7-25-03
Man shoots two cougars that stalked him 7-25-03
Babbitt faults Norton policies 7-25-03
Resources Committee Congressional Hearing Scheduled in San Diego, California, August 18, 2003 7-25-03
Connect The Dots - Irrefutable Proof! 7-25-03
Three suits aim to undo habitat plan - Wildlife 7-23-03
Fish Evacuated from Fire Zone: 7-23-03
Lane County (Oregon) man shoots cougars 7-25-03
Log ban imposed on Jackson forest 7-21-03
USFWS wolf death news release 7-21-03
Judge voids Elko County road deal 7-20-03
Klamath Project shut down 7-20-03
West Coast Communities Face Economic Devastation 7-20-03
19 species of dragonflies 7-20-03
Report blasts tortoise protection efforts 7-20-03
"Power is Water" 7-20-03
Graves: Endangered Species law needs overhaul 7-20-03
California: 08/04/03 EIS for Habitat Conservation Plan for East Contra Costa County, California 7-12-03
Protecting Bears, Not People 7-12-03
Oregon, U.S. approve plan to delist oho - Evaluation of coastal salmon under way 7-12-03
Vogel's declaration 06-27-03
Idaho Stands Up To The Feds! 6-08-03
Dogs, Wolves and Us - Bye, bye, Fido 6-08-03
New opinion clears way for Rock Creek mine 6-08-03
Turner Endangered Species Fund goes belly-up - Great News! 6-03-03
Takings Litigation - U.S. Stay Motion Denied 5-31-03
Biologist disputes report blasting water deliveries 5-31-03
Maine Salmon Farms Closed to Benefit Wild Salmon 5-31-03
Endangered Species Act "Broken" 5-28-03
May 2003 People for the West Newsletter 5-25-03
Coots need friends, too 5-25-03
The BLM's Way of Protecting the Tortoise 5-25-03
What really went on at the Marco manatee meeting 5-20-03
Maine loses battle over salmon status 5-20-03
Protection plan for rare bird released 5-20-03
Just let us release a few of these 'poster species' for the ESA, and we'll come back later and TAKE your property rights! 5-20-03
Ranchers ordered to move cattle 5-20-03
Idaho delegation supports, DOW opposes change in wolf status 5-20-03
Protection from predators 4-29-03
Seeing spots: The Spotted Owl Fiasco 4-29-03
More on Federal Jurisdiction vs State Jurisdiction 4-29-03
Arizona Developers Fight Plan to Save Owl 4-26-03
Naches Dam Removal in WA State 4-26-03
Some Environmentalism Lacks Common Sense 4-26-03
Dismal Science at FWS 4-26-03
Final Rule to Reclassify the Gray Wolf 4-13-03
National Research Council releases study on effects of oil and gas development in Alaska 4-13-03
Congress approves grizzly study 4-13-03
Coming April 1: The new headgates -- New structure, fish screens on schedule 4-13-03
In search of a beast that may be gone (Oregon wolverines) 4-13-03
The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company Abandonment Exemption in Sedgwick County, KS  4-13-03
Judge allows release of lynx 4-13-03
Upper Columbia Basin Teeming with Kokanee Salmon 4-12-03
Catellus 4-12-03
Gray wolves heading to California 4-12-03
Hungry wolves killing dogs in Ketchikan area 4-12-03
FFA group hears Klamath farmers 4-12-03
Federally-threatened Lake Erie water snakes 4-12-03
$1.25M for damages to Packery 4-12-03
An Outpouring of Sympathy and Outrage 4-06-03

WaterForTheWest.org 4-05-03

Conservancy Buys Jewel of Apalachicola River 4-04-03
Aversive wolf scat 4-04-03
Wolf Incident at Canyon Creek Ranch 4-04-03
Please, Sir, More! 4-04-03
Final Rule to Reclassify the Gray Wolf 4-04-03
Opinion: Weigh in on Lynx Habitat Reevaluation 4-04-03
Ruling on Endangered Species Upheld 4-03-03
Panel OKs unread bear strategy 4-03-03
More on Federal Jurisdiction vs State Jurisdiction 4-02-03
Wolf expert gets a chilly reception 3-25-03
New Mexico Legislator Works To Save Lands From Wolves, Weeds, And Water Bugs 4-05-03
Final Designation or Nondesignation of Critical Habitat for 95 Plant Species Hawaii 4-04-03
Bats clog sewer issue 4-04-03
Land rules almost done: Project addresses off-road vehicles, habitats 4-03-03
Groundwater Pumping Makes Mojave Desert Slump 3-25-03
Marine Mammal Protection Act Incidental Take 3-25-03
Restoration of Unauthorized Routes in Sensitive Species Habitats 3-23-03
Caswell says action needed now on wolves' effect on game 3-23-03
BLM threatened with suit over wild horses 3-23-03
Eyewitness statement on Wild Horses removal 3-23-03
Feds won't probe biologist's Klamath fish kill charges 3-23-03
Monroe County settles property lawsuit 3-23-03
Senators champion water users, states' rights 3-23-03
Critique of Draft Bull Trout Recovery Plan 3-20-03
Activist and Developers Forge a Win-Win Deal 3-20-03
On time, on budget, but experts not sure it will work 3-20-03
Final biological assessment on Middle Rio Grande water and maintenance operations released 3-20-03
Two days of talking fish 3-20-03
Environmental groups plan lawsuit against Klamath River sturgeon decision 3-20-03
Senate Rejects Bush's Arctic Drilling Plan 3-20-03
Hawaii Plantsman Confounds Greenies 3-20-03
New Mexico Legislator Works To Save Lands From Wolves, Weeds, And Water Bugs 3-19-03
High noon at the Blair Ranch 3-17-03
"This is the Only Place in the World it Grows" 3-14-03
Big cat fever at Tommie Barfield 3-14-03
Groups Seek Revisions to Missouri River Operations 3-14-03
Mouse has Douglas County landowners by the tail 3-11-03
Lampreys could be focus of next endangered species fight 3-11-03
Santa Ana sucker to receive critical habitat 3-11-03
Making the Endangered Species Act work better 3-09-03
Wolf killing elk calves 3-09-03
Ancient Dunes vs. Exotic Trees 3-09-03
Happy or Sad? - Pity the Owl 3-09-03
California spotted owl denied endangered species protection 3-09-03
Timber wolves resurgent in upper Midwest 3-09-03
Agonizing, Inhospitable Homecoming of Lynx to Colorado 3-07-03
Morrison: The earth is saved, I gave at the office 3-06-03
As wetlands expand, so do mosquitoes 3-02-03
Few animals lost to Biscuit flames 3-02-03
Ranchers to receive reimbursement for wolf-related losses 2-28-03
A howling success 2-28-03
S.369 - Hagel Co-Sponsors Endangered Species Act 2-28-03
City Scores Victory Against Mine 2-28-03
Lawsuit Wants Feds To Protect Rio Grande Cutthroat 2-28-03
The ESA - America's Worst Eco-Disaster 2-27-03
1491: The Pristine Myth 2-27-03
A Façade of Science 2-27-03
Salamander solution? 2-27-03
Klamath: What caused salmon deaths? 2-26-03
Waterfowl experts say duck hunting is on 'last line of defense' 2-26-03
Federal official prefers that a golf course "be axed" in the interest of the 'endangered' California tiger salamander  2-24-03
Missing wolves spotted in elk refuge 2-24-03
Water in the Mojave 2-24-03
Lone wolf kills calf near Mackay 2-24-03
Water Wars 2-24-03
White-tailed prairie dogs may have environmental protection 2-24-03
$10 Million Funds Minnow-Survival Effort 2-24-03
Designation of Critical Habitat for the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow; Final Rule 2-24-03
Endangered Species Envelop Marines in California 2-24-03
Few Klamath answers 2-24-03
Drought Dread Rises in Klamath 2-24-03
Some thoughts on Feral (or Ferine) Horses 2-24-03
Comment sought on bull trout proposals 2-24-03
Waterfowl experts say duck hunting is on 'last line of defense' -- or, as Jim Beers puts it: Ducks & Uncle Sam  2-26-03
Nature Conservancy Buys Tract on Tieton River 2-14-03
Night of the wolves 2-13-03
Missouri River states ask government to consider moving endangered birds 2-12-03
Transcript of the Pima County, Arizona, Steering Committee for the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan 2-12-03
Agency denies California owl endangered species designation 2-12-03
Pombo Comments on Fish and Wildlife Service Decision Regarding the California Spotted Owl 2-12-03
Judge Orders Protections for Mexican Owl 2-12-03
Mojave Plan draws criticism 2-12-03
Yellowstone Wolf Experiment Out of Control 2-12-03
Urban Runoff Killing Salmon in Washington 2-12-03
This is an extremely important breaking story 2-10-03
Pile of dead elk spotted in Gros Ventre 2-10-03
Coyotes and Other Wild Animals "Introduced" in Illinois 2-09-03
Vegetation EIS 2-09-03
Interior Department Praises Everglades Progress 2-09-03
County offers prime wolf habitat 2-09-03
Killing us gently 2-09-03
Forest plan to be put to test in Texas 2-09-03
Coho boom of 2002 may herald recovery 2-09-03
An Outpouring of Sympathy and Outrage 2-09-03
The War Against the Fur Trade Backfires 2-09-03
Planning to trap the Preble mouse 2-09-03
Final Wolf Hearing in Oregon  2-09-03
Ecology Department acquires water rights to help Yakima basin flows 02-09-03
Water politics leave scars on farm families 2-09-03
OHV use and wildlife disturbance 2-09-03
Hikers May Disturb Nesting Owls 2-09-03
Farmers may lose water to minnow 2-09-03
Wolf Attacks on Humans 2-09-03
Yellowstone Wolf Experiment Out of Control 2-04-03
Global warming could dramatically change popular park 2-04-03
Time to point some fingers 2-03-03
Wolf Legislation 1-28-03
Elk summit stirs up controversy 1-28-03
Clearwater Elk Summit Summary from LMT 1-28-03
Biscuit fire destroyed much of northern spotted owl habitat 1-28-03
Caught Between The Pack And The Hard Case 1-28-03
Nethercutt Letter from Washington State Farm Bureau President 1-27-03
Developer seeks OK to work around bald eagle nesting guidelines 1-27-03
Ruling may give lynx greater protection 1-27-03
The Predator Card 1-27-03
Letter to BLM 1-25-03
Fire leaves owls homeless 1-27-03
Wolf pack again eludes researchers 1-25-03
DeWine backs Wildlife Funding 1-24-03
Pine man leads charge to declare ponderosa endangered 1-24-03
Loggers displaced in 1990s left behind, study finds 1-24-03
Bull trout plan draws local fire 1-24-03
NASCAR Driver, Ward Burton, To Promote The National Wildlife Refuge System 1-24-03
Game board focus shifts to hunters, trappers 1-24-03
Bush Opens Way for Counties and States to Claim Wilderness Roads 1-24-03
Albuquerque Case Pits Thirst Against Fish 1-23-03
Amend [the endangered] species act 1-20-03
Wolf sighted at school bus stop 1-18-03
Barnes Ranch deal goes to Washington 1-18-03
Plan to Set Aside Land in Arizona for Owls Slammed 1-14-03
Defenders Information 1-14-03
Governor announces new natural resources team 1-14-03
Appeals court to hear arguments in silvery minnow case 1-14-03
Wolf: Endangered or 'wildlife terrorist?' 1-14-03
Wolves' Numbers Increase in West 1-14-03
State of Wyoming Bill No. 03LSO-0364W1 1-14-03
Two appeals on evesham snakes denied 1-14-03
Roads snake across some roadless areas 1-14-03
Metro Maps Huge Areas Of Private Land For Wildlife Habitat 1-14-03
Ladue Residents seek Relief as Brazen Beasts become Pests 1-09-03
Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan News 1-09-03
Fish and Wildlife Service RULES 1-09-03
New Jersey Commits $100 Million Annually for Open Space 1-07-03
Tonasket Meeting on Grizzly Bears 1-07-03
Missouri River Uncertainty Already Scuttling Recreation for 2003 1-07-03
Smart Growth Debate Reaches Boiling Point in Loudon County, Va. 1-07-03
Letter to John Hamill 1-07-03
Wolf recovery has farmers howling 1-07-03
As timber wolves thrive in state 1-07-03
Timber wolves return in packs to Wisconsin 1-07-03
Farmers, wolves clash: 1-07-03
More Wolves, Less Cows? 1-07-03
Wolves At The Door: Ranchers Uneasy 1-07-03