QA - Quality Approach QA - Quality Assurance QAP - Question and Answer Period QAPP - Quality Assurance Project Plan QC - Quick-Claim QC - Quivira Coalition QCA - Quiet Communities Act QCD - Quit-Claim Deed QD - Qualifying Distributions QE - Qualitative Evaluation QE - Quality Enrichment QE - Quantifying Estimates QH - Quaker House (New York, UN) QHEI - Qualitative Habitat Evaluation
Index - most recent version is 1989 (EPA) QL - Query Letter QLG – Quincy Library Group QOL - Quality Of Life QPA - Quality Performance Accreditation QPS - Quaker Peace & Service (Along
with QUNO in New York, represents Quakers to the UN ECOSOC in its
Category II Status since 1948) (UN) QPRT - Qualified Personal Residence
Trust (land trust) QUNO - Quaker United Nations Office (The
QUNO offices in New York and Geneva also support Friends around the
world by acting as their link to the United Nations. Often this means
monitoring and reporting on particular issues. Attends relevant UN
meetings, collaborates with other NGOs -- especially those from
developing countries-- and prepares reports on issues and activities.)
(UN) QS - Quadrant Sub-market QS - Query System QSA - Quantification Settlement Agreement
and QU - Quail Unlimited Quadrangle - In mapping the term has no
definite meaning other than a map of a tract of country shown in
rectangular format. For example a map of the NE 1/4 of a section could
be said to be a quadrangle (a quadrant) of that section. A map of the NE
1/4 NE 1/4 could be said to be a quadrangle (a quadrant) of the NE 1/4
of that section. U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps can be 30 minute quads (for 30
minutes of latitude and longitude), 15 minute quads (for 15 minutes of
latitude and longitude) and 7.5 minute quads (for 7.5 minutes of
latitude and longitude). Most quadrangle maps show contours and
elevations, highways, roads and other man-made structures, water
features, woodland areas, bench marks, triangulation stations (some),
geographic names, section lines, etc. - Cadastral Data glossary Quadrant - Any of four quarters into
which something is divided by two real or imaginary lines that intersect
each other at right angles. 90 degrees of a circle; one-quarter of a
section (the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, and SE 1/4 of a section are each
quadrants of a section); one-quarter of a quarter section. - Cadastral
Data glossary Quaker (QUNO) - In response to the
opportunities and responsibilities of NGO's work with the UN and other
international institutions, QUNO works towards: 1. Establishing global economic policies
and institutions that serve economic, social and environmental needs and
rights of weaker and marginalized communities and countries; 2. Establishing regional and
international practices and institutions that reduce weapons
proliferation and promote non-violent approaches to conflict engagement; 3. Eliminating the use of children as
soldiers; 4. Establishing the right to
conscientious objection in member states; 5. Protecting human rights in armed
conflict and internal conflicts. This work springs from Quaker
convictions that there is that of God in every individual. Life is
sacred and all people are equal before God. This deeply held truth leads
Quakers to testify and work against war, social inequality, and
inequitable and non-sustainable exploitation of the world's resources.
(UN) Qualified Donee - For 1997 and later
taxation years, a qualified donee includes the following: a registered
charity; a registered amateur athletic association; a non-profit
organization that exclusively provides low-cost housing for seniors; a
municipality; the United Nations or an agency thereof; a prescribed
university; a charitable organization outside the country to which the
Government has made a donation in 1999 or 2000; and the Government. Qualifying facility - A power production
facility that qualifies for special treatment under the Public Utility
Regulatory Policies Act. A qualifying facility must generate its power
using cogeneration, biomass, waste, geothermal energy, or renewable
resources, such as solar and wind. PURPA prohibits utilities from owning
majority interest in qualifying facilities. - Bioenergy Glossary Qualitative analysis - Determining which
metals are present in a sample. Qualitative Analysis - An analysis used
in certain types of environmental or route location studies where
multiple factors are compared in a comprehensive manner on the basis of
sound judgment. Factors analyzed by using a qualitative analysis are
such that they are not readily quantifiable, cannot be measured in
monetary terms, and have no apparent common denominators. Quantitative Analysis - The process used
in certain economic, cost-benefit, engineering, or traffic studies where
multiple factors, elements, and/or outcomes are evaluated and compared
by the use of measurable data. Certain mathematical models, formulas,
numerical indices, rankings, and value matrices may be used to assist
with such a process. Quality of Life - Notion of human welfare (well being) measured by
social indicators rather than by “quantitative” measures of income
and production (United Nations). Quantitative analysis - Determining how
much of a metal is present. Quantitative Trade Restrictions -
Quantitative restrictions are limitations on the quantity or value of a
product that may be permitted to enter a country.
They are probably the most familiar of the non-tariff barriers
and include quotas, embargoes, restrictive licensing, and other means of
limiting imports. The
Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture requires the conversion of
quantitative restrictions to bound tariffs and tariff rate quotas. Quarantine pest - A pest of potential
economic importance to the area endangered thereby and not yet present
there, or present but not widely distributed and being officially
controlled. - UN/FAO International Plant Protection Convention Glossary Quarter-Quarter-Section Corners -
Corners placed on the section line midway between the quarter-section
corner and the section corner (except on the last half-mile of section
lines closing on the west boundaries of the township, or on other lines
between fractional and irregular section). Few quarter-quarter corners
were set in the original surveys of the U.S. public lands. - Cadastral
Data glossary Quarter Section - A 160 acre block of land or 1/4 of a section. -
Cadastral Data glossary Quarter Section Corner- The corners on a section line that were
established halfway between the section corners. They were established
and marked as part of the U.S. Public Land Survey. Although the general
plan for the system called for quarter-section corners to be located
halfway between section corners, few such corners are mathematically
halfway between the section corners. - Cadastral Data glossary Quarter Section Lines - The lines that
divide the sections into four parts. - Cadastral Data glossary Quartz - Common rock-forming mineral
consisting of silicon and oxygen. Quartzite - A metamorphic rock formed by
the transformation of a sandstone rock by heat and pressure. Quartz Porphyry - Common gold mine
lithology. Quimby Act (California) - State enabling
legislation which allows local government to require the dedication of
land or the payment of in-lieu fees for parks or recreational purposes
as a condition of subdivision approval. QUNO - Quaker United Nations Office QWP - Quincy Wright Papers (Department of Special Collections at the University of Chicago’s Regenstein Library) |