Glossary to End all Glossaries


Contained herein are Acronyms, Definitions, Case and Treaty Law summaries, as they relate to property rights and resource providers: farmers, fisheries, loggers, miners, ranchers, and recreationists. Sources range from Department of Interior agencies, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, United Nations (UN) and its agencies, the World Bank and others.


Sources other than United States state and federal agencies are included, because there are many times when U.S. agencies take, verbatim (word for word), official definitions from United Nations and World Bank sources.


Be sure to cross-reference acronym explanations to their spelled-out version; there may be a full explanation or definition. For example: NEPA – National Environmental Protection Act. Be sure to look up “National Environmental Protection Act.”


There are often multiple definitions for the same word or phrase. In listing multiple definitions, the relevance of each definition is not “in order,” because some definitions may be equally relevant, but apply to totally different agencies or facets of resource providing or property rights.


Please note: When reading words like "authority," "coordination," "guidance," "management," "preservation," "protection," “restoration,” "regulation," "restraint," "sustainable development," "trust," and other words and phrases -- which tend to inspire confidence in their commonly known definitions -- used by groups who say they would do these things, substitute the word "control," then reread.


Imagine ferreting out the OFFICIAL definition for as many of these words, phrases and acronyms as possible, and THOUSANDS more, all of them in one way or another on the topic of property rights and resource providers. That is what is contained herein, along with thousands of definitions, case and treaty law summaries, U.S. Code and Public Law.


Some of the Language Deception, albeit a tiny fraction, that is so often employed in official use of words, has been put into red text.


Incorrect use of the terms “that” and “which,” which muddy or make a definition unclear, may be corrected by replacing either with [that] or [which].


This Glossary is provided for the express purpose of educating and empowering people to protect their own property rights and ability to own property, to be responsible resource providers, etc.


It is not to be incorporated into any other glossary or format that is used for commercial or anti-property rights agenda or any other use that infringes upon property rights or the ability to exercise responsible resource providing.


Email alerts, copiously researched information and notification of updates to this website are sent to subscribers of this service using valid email addresses. They are not to be posted on the Internet, to any email lists or used in any way that harms property rights, freedom and responsible resource providing. To subscribe to email alerts and copiously researched information as well as notification of website updates (if you cherish property rights and responsible resource providing): Send an email to [email protected] using a single (one) email address that you use for both sending and receiving email. Put "Subscribe Property Rights Research" in the Subject line. In the body of the email, you MUST include ALL the following: Your full name, city, state and country, the facets of property rights in which you are most interested (may be one or more). You will not be added to the list by submitting a false name. Subscribers are responsible for notifying me of email address changes. Subscribers will occasionally be asked by email to donate to this effort. To unsubscribe, simply put "Please Unsubscribe" in the Subject Line & your name & state in the body of the email. This is a Herculean effort made to help you learn to protect your property rights, i.e., freedom, and resource-providing heritage. Its future depends upon your support.


This Glossary represents constant and ongoing research, involving countless hours and is not funded by grants or foundations, nor is such support solicited or desired. This Glossary and website’s accessibility to you depends on your support. Please visit and donate today!


Due to the ever-changing tendency of websites to change, links -- though checked before posting to this website -- are not guaranteed to be correct or working in the future.

This page updated 07-15-06

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