Eminent Domain
Jesse Hardy loses round in bid to start Estates fish farm 10-24-04
A New 'Campaign' 10-24-04
Government grabbing homes - who'll be next? 10-24-04
2 local projects among those announced by governor 10-15-04
Hardy seeks extension 10-15-04
Restoration effort rolls 9-27-04
PLF wins landmark property rights case in California Supreme Court 9-27-04
State DEP begins eminent domain proceedings against Jesse Hardy 8-30-04
DEP, Hardy meet to discuss agreement on land sale 8-30-04
Land-grab vote stalls 8-25-04
Freeport Uses Eminent Domain To Claim Private Property 8-17-04
At last, a property rights victory! 8-8-04
PRAC wary of Corps study 7-15-04
Man stands ground in face of state requests 7-8-04
Parkway residents could lose money, attorney cautions 7-8-04
Keep out: Glades settler dreads showdown with state over land 7-7-04
Norwood can seize properties 6-17-04
Group mulls eminent domain 6-17-04
The Slander of Jesse Hardy and Property Rights 6-14-04
Sheridan development plan roils property owners 6-8-04
Restoration drives area to adapt - Enthusiasts mull Golden Gate plan 6-2-04
Hardy says he didn't OK any deal with state 5-30-04
Article #1: State, Hardy reach tentative agreement on land buy 5-30-04
It is about Principle: The Jesse Hardy Story 5-26-04
DEP proposes land swap, money 5-26-04
Proceedings delayed for Hardy property 5-16-04
Hardy rejects state plan to let him stay on part of land 5-10-04
Fight for Everglades land enters 6th round 5-10-04
Probe links $7M offer, donations 4-08-04
Will he be forced out? 4-03-04
Residents of Houston Neighborhood Organize Against Townhouse Developers 3-30-04
Lodi trailer park residents fight to keep their homes 3-29-04
Saving the Skin of Property Owners In Connecticut 3-26-04
Appeals court awards Halper acreage to Piscataway 3-25-04
In New Hampshire, towns still keep their hands off your property 3-13-04
Lakewood Voters Pass Issue 10 3-11-04
Sunapee neighbors say they’re not being heard 3-2-04
Bush and Eminent Domain 3-2-04
A good (non) development 3-2-04
Flintkote property sparks debate 3-2-04
Landowners want input on easement process 3-2-04
Murdock Village project puts some lives in limbo 3-2-04
A cash settlement would help Swain far more than a north lakeshore road 3-1-04
Eminent Domain 3-1-04
Tree owners offered some comfort for loss 2-16-04
Judges, not voters, to decide Props. 105, 104 2-16-04
Selectmen file own article to take Great Harbor Yacht Club property by eminent domain 2-16-04
Eminent domain on slippery slope 2-16-04
Council spars over eminent domain bills 2-16-04
Couple Wins Eminent Domain Battle 2-16-04
Council expands eminent domain to homes 2-16-04
Open space annexation is on track 2-15-04
Lubbock and 'Eminent Domain' 2-15-04
Pennichuck Seeks Declaratory Judgment on Eminent Domain Law 2-15-04
Schools avoid eminent domain 1-16-04
Hawker deluged with irate e-mails 1-16-04
My Home is Gone, But We Have a New Mall 1-16-04
Eminent domain may be used in tower project 1-2-04